CPSC 330 Python notes#

About this document#

This document contains some Python lecture materials from the 1st offering of CPSC 330. We have decided to stop allocated lecture time to this topic and instead have this as reference material.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Plotting with matplotlib#

  • We will use matplotlib as our plotting library.

  • For those familiar with MATLAB, this package is based on MATLAB plotting.

  • To use matplotlib, we first import it:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • We can now use functions in plt to plot things:

x = [1,2,3]
y = [4,4,5]
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x16835f3d0>]
  • You will often see me put a semicolon at the end of a line.

  • This is only relevant to Jupyter; it suppresses the line of “output”..

  • In your homework assignments, at a minimum, you should have axis labels for every figure that you submit.

plt.xlabel("the independent variable")
plt.ylabel("the dependent variable");
  • If you are plotting multiple curves, make sure you include a legend!

plt.plot(x,y, label="label is y")
plt.plot(x,x, label="x")
plt.xlabel("the independent variable")
plt.ylabel("the dependent variables")
  • You will likely need to visit the matplotlib.pyplot documentation when trying to do other things.

  • When you save an .ipynb file, the output, including plots, is stored in the file.

    • This is a hassle for git.

    • But it’s also convenient.

    • This is how you will submit plots.

Numpy arrays#

Basic numpy is covered in the posted videos, you are expected to have a basic knowledge of numpy.

x = np.zeros(4)
array([0., 0., 0., 0.])
y = np.ones(4)
array([1., 1., 1., 1.])
z = np.random.rand(2,3)
array([[0.15643684, 0.42108204, 0.81939978],
       [0.65537007, 0.50742398, 0.97737839]])

Numpy array shapes#

One of the most confusing things about numpy: what I call a “1-D array” can have 3 possible shapes:

x = np.ones(5)
print("size:", x.size)
print("ndim:", x.ndim)
[1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
size: 5
ndim: 1
shape: (5,)
y = np.ones((1,5))
print("size:", y.size)
print("ndim:", y.ndim)
[[1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]
size: 5
ndim: 2
shape: (1, 5)
z = np.ones((5,1))
print("size:", z.size)
print("ndim:", z.ndim)
size: 5
ndim: 2
shape: (5, 1)

Broadcasting in numpy#

  • Arrays with different sizes cannot be directly used in arithmetic operations.

  • Broadcasting describes how numpy treats arrays with different shapes during arithmetic operations.

  • The idea is to vectorize operations to avoid loops and speed up the code.

  • Example: I sell pies on the weekends.

  • I sell 3 types of pies at different prices, and I sold the following number of each pie last weekend.

  • I want to know how much money I made per pie type per day.

cost = np.array([20, 15, 25])
print("Pie cost:")
sales = np.array([[2, 3, 1],
                  [6, 3, 3],
                  [5, 3, 5]])
print("\nPie sales (#):")
Pie cost:

Pie sales (#):
[[2 3 1]
 [6 3 3]
 [5 3 5]]
  • How can we multiply these two arrays together?


Slowest method: nested loop#

total = np.zeros((3, 3))
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        total[i,j] = cost[i] * sales[i,j]
array([[ 40.,  60.,  20.],
       [ 90.,  45.,  45.],
       [125.,  75., 125.]])

Faster method: vectorize the loop over rows#

total = np.zeros((3, 3))
for j in range(3):
    total[:,j] = cost * sales[:,j]
array([[ 40.,  60.,  20.],
       [ 90.,  45.,  45.],
       [125.,  75., 125.]])

No-loop method: make them the same size, and multiply element-wise#

cost_rep = np.repeat(cost[:,np.newaxis], 3, axis=1)
array([[20, 20, 20],
       [15, 15, 15],
       [25, 25, 25]])
cost_rep * sales
array([[ 40,  60,  20],
       [ 90,  45,  45],
       [125,  75, 125]])
  • What is np.newaxis?

  • It changes the shape:

(3, 1)
cost.reshape(3,1).shape # the name thing
(3, 1)
(1, 3)

Fastest method: broadcasting#

cost[:,np.newaxis] * sales
array([[ 40,  60,  20],
       [ 90,  45,  45],
       [125,  75, 125]])
  • numpy does the equivalent of np.repeat() for you - no need to do it explicitly

  • It is debatable whether this code is more readable, but it is definitely faster.

When can we use broadcasting?#

Say we want to broadcast the following two arrays:

arr1 = np.arange(3)
arr2 = np.ones((5))
array([0, 1, 2])
array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
  • The broadcast will fail because the arrays are not compatible…

arr1 + arr2
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[33], line 1
----> 1 arr1 + arr2

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (3,) (5,) 
  • We can facilitate this broadcast by adding a dimension using np.newaxis.

  • np.newaxis increases the dimension of an array by one dimension.

arr1 = arr1[:, np.newaxis]
(3, 1)
arr2 = arr2[np.newaxis]
(1, 5)
arr1 + arr2
array([[1., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
       [2., 2., 2., 2., 2.],
       [3., 3., 3., 3., 3.]])
  • the opposite, reducing a dimension, can be achieved by np.squeeze()

(3, 1)

The rules of broadcasting:

  • NumPy compares arrays one dimension at a time. It starts with the trailing dimensions, and works its way to the first dimensions.

  • dimensions are compatible if:

    • they are equal, or

    • one of them is 1.

  • Use the code below to test out array compatibitlity

a = np.ones((5,1))
b = np.ones((1,3))
print(f"The shape of a is: {a.shape}")
print(f"The shape of b is: {b.shape}")
    print(f"The shape of a + b is: {(a + b).shape}")
    print(f"ERROR: arrays are NOT broadcast compatible!")
The shape of a is: (5, 1)
The shape of b is: (1, 3)
The shape of a + b is: (5, 3)

Introduction to pandas#

  • The most popular Python library for tabular data structures

import pandas as pd

Pandas Series#

  • A Series is like a NumPy array but with labels

  • 1-dimensional

  • Can be created from a list, ndarray or dictionary using pd.Series()

  • Labels may be integers or strings

Here are two series of gold medal counts for the 2012 and 2016 Olympics:

Series([], dtype: float64)
s1 = pd.Series(data = [46, 38, 29, 19, 17],
               index = ['USA','CHN','GBR','RUS','GER'])
USA    46
CHN    38
GBR    29
RUS    19
GER    17
dtype: int64
s2 = pd.Series([46, 26, 27],
               ['USA', 'CHN', 'GBR'])
USA    46
CHN    26
GBR    27
dtype: int64
  • Like ndarrays we use square brackets [] to index a series

  • BUT, Series can be indexed by an integer location OR a label

USA    46
CHN    38
GBR    29
RUS    19
GER    17
dtype: int64
USA    46
CHN    38
GBR    29
RUS    19
dtype: int64

Do we expect these two series to be compatible for broadcasting?

USA    46
CHN    38
GBR    29
RUS    19
GER    17
dtype: int64
USA    46
CHN    26
GBR    27
dtype: int64
print(f"The shape of s1 is: {s1.shape}")
print(f"The shape of s2 is: {s2.shape}")
The shape of s1 is: (5,)
The shape of s2 is: (3,)
s1 + s2
CHN    64.0
GBR    56.0
GER     NaN
RUS     NaN
USA    92.0
dtype: float64
  • Unlike ndarrays operations between Series (+, -, /, *) align values based on their LABELS

  • The result index will be the sorted union of the two indexes

Pandas DataFrames#

  • The primary Pandas data structure

  • Really just a bunch of Series (with the same index labels) stuck together

  • Made using pd.DataFrame()


Creating a DataFrame with a numpy array

d = np.array([[46, 46],
              [38, 26],
              [29, 27]])
c = ['2012', '2016']
i = ['USA', 'CHN', 'GBR']
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d, index=i, columns=c)
2012 2016
USA 46 46
CHN 38 26
GBR 29 27

(optional) Creating a DataFrame with a dictionary

d = {'2012': [46, 38, 29],
     '2016': [46, 26, 27]}
i = ['USA', 'CHN', 'GBR']
df = pd.DataFrame(d, i)
2012 2016
USA 46 46
CHN 38 26
GBR 29 27

Indexing Dataframes#

  • There are three main ways to index a DataFrame:

    1. [] (slice for rows, label for columns)

    2. .loc[]

    3. .iloc[]

2012 2016
USA 46 46
CHN 38 26
GBR 29 27

[] notation#

  • you can index columns by single labels or lists of labels

USA    46
CHN    38
GBR    29
Name: 2012, dtype: int64
type(['2012', '2016'])
df[['2012', '2016']]
2012 2016
USA 46 46
CHN 38 26
GBR 29 27

(optional) you can also index rows with [], but you can only index rows with slices

2012 2016
CHN 38 26
GBR 29 27
# df["USA"] # doesn't work
df[:"USA"] # does work
2012 2016
USA 46 46
  • this is a little unintuitive, so pandas created two other ways to index a dataframe:

  • for indexing with integers: df.iloc[]

  • for indexing with labels: df.loc[]

2012 2016
USA 46 46
CHN 38 26
GBR 29 27
2012    38
2016    26
Name: CHN, dtype: int64
2012    38
2016    26
Name: CHN, dtype: int64
df.loc['GBR', '2016']
df.loc[['USA', 'GBR'], ['2012']]
USA 46
GBR 29
Index(['USA', 'CHN', 'GBR'], dtype='object')
Index(['2012', '2016'], dtype='object')
#df.loc[df.index[0], '2016']
#df.loc['USA', df.columns[0]]

Indexing cheatsheet#

  • [] accepts slices for row indexing or labels (single or list) for column indexing

  • .iloc[] accepts integers for row/column indexing, and can be single values or lists

  • .loc[] accepts labels for row/column indexing, and can be single values or lists

  • for integer row/named column: df.loc[df.index[#], 'labels']

  • for named row/integer column: df.loc['labels', df.columns[#]]

Break (5 min)#

Reading from .csv#

  • Most of the time you will be loading .csv files for use in pandas using pd.read_csv()

  • Example dataset: a colleague’s cycling commute to/from UBC everyday

path = 'data/cycling_data.csv'
pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0, parse_dates=True).head()
Name Type Time Distance Comments
2019-09-10 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
2019-09-10 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2019-09-11 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
2019-09-11 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
2019-09-12 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week

Reading from url#

  • you may also want to read directly from an url at times

  • pd.read_csv() accepts urls as input

url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TomasBeuzen/toy-datasets/master/wine_1.csv'
Bottle Grape Origin Alcohol pH Colour Aroma
0 1 Chardonnay Australia 14.23 3.51 White Floral
1 2 Pinot Grigio Italy 13.20 3.30 White Fruity
2 3 Pinot Blanc France 13.16 3.16 White Citrus
3 4 Shiraz Chile 14.91 3.39 Red Berry
4 5 Malbec Argentina 13.83 3.28 Red Fruity

Reading from other formats#

  • pd.read_excel()

  • pd.read_html()

  • pd.read_json()

  • etc

Dataframe summaries#

df = pd.read_csv('data/cycling_data.csv')
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 33 entries, 0 to 32
Data columns (total 6 columns):
Date        33 non-null object
Name        33 non-null object
Type        33 non-null object
Time        33 non-null int64
Distance    31 non-null float64
Comments    33 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 1.7+ KB
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
count 33 33 33 33.000000 31.000000 33
unique 33 2 1 NaN NaN 25
top 26 Sep 2019, 13:42:43 Afternoon Ride Ride NaN NaN Feeling good
freq 1 17 33 NaN NaN 3
mean NaN NaN NaN 3512.787879 12.667419 NaN
std NaN NaN NaN 8003.309233 0.428618 NaN
min NaN NaN NaN 1712.000000 11.790000 NaN
25% NaN NaN NaN 1863.000000 12.480000 NaN
50% NaN NaN NaN 2118.000000 12.620000 NaN
75% NaN NaN NaN 2285.000000 12.750000 NaN
max NaN NaN NaN 48062.000000 14.570000 NaN

Renaming columns with df.rename()#

Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
  • we can rename specific columns using df.rename()

{"Comments": "Notes"}
{'Comments': 'Notes'}
type({"Comments": "Notes"})
df = df.rename(columns={"Comments": "Notes"})
Date Name Type Time Distance Notes
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
  • there are two options for making permanent dataframe changes:

      1. set the argument inplace=True, e.g., df.rename(..., inplace=True)

      1. re-assign, e.g., df = df.rename(...)

df.rename(columns={"Comments": "Notes"}, inplace=True) # inplace
df = df.rename(columns={"Comments": "Notes"}) # re-assign


  • the pandas team discourages the use of inplace for a few reasons

  • mostly because not all functions have the argument, hides memory copying, leads to hard-to-find bugs

  • it is recommend to re-assign (method 2 above)

  • we can also change all columns at once using a list

df.columns = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4', 'col5', 'col6']
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week

Adding/removing columns with [] and drop()#

df = pd.read_csv('data/cycling_data.csv')
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
  • adding a single column

df['Speed'] = 3.14159265358979323
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments Speed
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain 3.141593
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain 3.141593
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather 3.141593
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise 3.141593
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week 3.141593
  • dropping a column

df = df.drop(columns="Speed")
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
  • we can also add/drop multiple columns at a time

df = df.drop(columns=['Type', 'Time'])
Date Name Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride 12.48 Tired by the end of the week

Adding/removing rows with [] and drop()#

df = pd.read_csv('data/cycling_data.csv')
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
28 4 Oct 2019, 01:08:08 Afternoon Ride Ride 1870 12.63 Very tired, riding into the wind
29 9 Oct 2019, 13:55:40 Morning Ride Ride 2149 12.70 Really cold! But feeling good
30 10 Oct 2019, 00:10:31 Afternoon Ride Ride 1841 12.59 Feeling good after a holiday break!
31 10 Oct 2019, 13:47:14 Morning Ride Ride 2463 12.79 Stopped for photo of sunrise
32 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
last_row = df.iloc[-1]
Date                            11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57
Name                                   Afternoon Ride
Type                                             Ride
Time                                             1843
Distance                                        11.79
Comments    Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
Name: 32, dtype: object

(optional) We can add the row to the end of the dataframe using df.append()

df = df.append(last_row)
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
29 9 Oct 2019, 13:55:40 Morning Ride Ride 2149 12.70 Really cold! But feeling good
30 10 Oct 2019, 00:10:31 Afternoon Ride Ride 1841 12.59 Feeling good after a holiday break!
31 10 Oct 2019, 13:47:14 Morning Ride Ride 2463 12.79 Stopped for photo of sunrise
32 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
32 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
(34, 6)
  • but now we have the index label 32 occurring twice (that can be bad! Why?)

Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
32 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
32 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
df = df.iloc[0:33]
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
28 4 Oct 2019, 01:08:08 Afternoon Ride Ride 1870 12.63 Very tired, riding into the wind
29 9 Oct 2019, 13:55:40 Morning Ride Ride 2149 12.70 Really cold! But feeling good
30 10 Oct 2019, 00:10:31 Afternoon Ride Ride 1841 12.59 Feeling good after a holiday break!
31 10 Oct 2019, 13:47:14 Morning Ride Ride 2463 12.79 Stopped for photo of sunrise
32 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
  • we need can set ignore_index=True to avoid duplicate index labels

df = df.append(last_row, ignore_index=True)
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
29 9 Oct 2019, 13:55:40 Morning Ride Ride 2149 12.70 Really cold! But feeling good
30 10 Oct 2019, 00:10:31 Afternoon Ride Ride 1841 12.59 Feeling good after a holiday break!
31 10 Oct 2019, 13:47:14 Morning Ride Ride 2463 12.79 Stopped for photo of sunrise
32 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
33 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump
df = df.drop(index=[33])
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
28 4 Oct 2019, 01:08:08 Afternoon Ride Ride 1870 12.63 Very tired, riding into the wind
29 9 Oct 2019, 13:55:40 Morning Ride Ride 2149 12.70 Really cold! But feeling good
30 10 Oct 2019, 00:10:31 Afternoon Ride Ride 1841 12.59 Feeling good after a holiday break!
31 10 Oct 2019, 13:47:14 Morning Ride Ride 2463 12.79 Stopped for photo of sunrise
32 11 Oct 2019, 00:16:57 Afternoon Ride Ride 1843 11.79 Bike feeling tight, needs an oil and pump

Sorting a dataframe with df.sort_values()#

df = pd.read_csv('data/cycling_data.csv')
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
20 27 Sep 2019, 01:00:18 Afternoon Ride Ride 1712 12.47 Tired by the end of the week
26 3 Oct 2019, 00:45:22 Afternoon Ride Ride 1724 12.52 Feeling good
22 1 Oct 2019, 00:15:07 Afternoon Ride Ride 1732 NaN Legs feeling strong!
24 2 Oct 2019, 00:13:09 Afternoon Ride Ride 1756 NaN A little tired today but good weather
16 25 Sep 2019, 00:07:21 Afternoon Ride Ride 1775 12.10 Feeling really tired
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
  • use the ascending argument to specify sort order as ascending or descending

df.sort_values(by="Time", ascending=False).head()
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
10 19 Sep 2019, 00:30:01 Afternoon Ride Ride 48062 12.48 Feeling good
12 20 Sep 2019, 01:02:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 2961 12.81 Feeling good
8 18 Sep 2019, 13:49:53 Morning Ride Ride 2903 14.57 Raining today
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
31 10 Oct 2019, 13:47:14 Morning Ride Ride 2463 12.79 Stopped for photo of sunrise

(optional) we can sort by multiple columns in succession by passing in lists

df.sort_values(by=['Name', 'Time'], ascending=[True, False]).head()
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
10 19 Sep 2019, 00:30:01 Afternoon Ride Ride 48062 12.48 Feeling good
12 20 Sep 2019, 01:02:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 2961 12.81 Feeling good
9 18 Sep 2019, 00:15:52 Afternoon Ride Ride 2101 12.48 Pumped up tires
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
14 24 Sep 2019, 00:35:42 Afternoon Ride Ride 2076 12.47 Oiled chain, bike feels smooth
  • we can sort a dataframe back to it’s orginal state (based on index) using df.sort_index()

Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week

Filtering a dataframe with [] and df.query()#

  • we’ve already seen how to filter a dataframe using [], .loc and .iloc notation

  • but what if we want more control?

  • df.query() is a powerful tool for filtering data

df = pd.read_csv('data/cycling_data.csv')
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
  • df.query() accepts a string expression to evaluate, using it’s own syntax

df.query('Time > 2500 and Distance < 13')
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
10 19 Sep 2019, 00:30:01 Afternoon Ride Ride 48062 12.48 Feeling good
12 20 Sep 2019, 01:02:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 2961 12.81 Feeling good
df[(df['Time'] > 2500) & (df['Distance'] < 13)]
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
10 19 Sep 2019, 00:30:01 Afternoon Ride Ride 48062 12.48 Feeling good
12 20 Sep 2019, 01:02:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 2961 12.81 Feeling good
  • we can refer to variables in the environment by prefixing them with an @

thresh = 2800
df.query('Time > @thresh')
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
8 18 Sep 2019, 13:49:53 Morning Ride Ride 2903 14.57 Raining today
10 19 Sep 2019, 00:30:01 Afternoon Ride Ride 48062 12.48 Feeling good
12 20 Sep 2019, 01:02:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 2961 12.81 Feeling good

Applying functions to a dataframe with df.apply() and df.applymap()#

  • many common functions are built into Pandas as dataframe methods

  • e.g., df.mean(), df.round(), df.min(), df.max(), df.sum(), etc.

df = pd.read_csv('data/cycling_data.csv')
Date Name Type Time Distance Comments
0 10 Sep 2019, 00:13:04 Afternoon Ride Ride 2084 12.62 Rain
1 10 Sep 2019, 13:52:18 Morning Ride Ride 2531 13.03 rain
2 11 Sep 2019, 00:23:50 Afternoon Ride Ride 1863 12.52 Wet road but nice weather
3 11 Sep 2019, 14:06:19 Morning Ride Ride 2192 12.84 Stopped for photo of sunrise
4 12 Sep 2019, 00:28:05 Afternoon Ride Ride 1891 12.48 Tired by the end of the week
Time        3512.787879
Distance      12.667419
dtype: float64
Date                         1 Oct 2019, 00:15:07
Name                               Afternoon Ride
Type                                         Ride
Time                                         1712
Distance                                    11.79
Comments    A little tired today but good weather
dtype: object
Date        9 Oct 2019, 13:55:40
Name                Morning Ride
Type                        Ride
Time                       48062
Distance                   14.57
Comments                 raining
dtype: object
Date        10 Sep 2019, 00:13:0410 Sep 2019, 13:52:1811 S...
Name        Afternoon RideMorning RideAfternoon RideMornin...
Type        RideRideRideRideRideRideRideRideRideRideRideRi...
Time                                                   115922
Distance                                               392.69
Comments    RainrainWet road but nice weatherStopped for p...
dtype: object
  • however there will be times when you want to apply a non-built in function

  • df.apply() applies a function column-wise or row-wise

  • the function must be able to operate over an entire row or column at a time

df[['Time', 'Distance']].head()
Time Distance
0 2084 12.62
1 2531 13.03
2 1863 12.52
3 2192 12.84
4 1891 12.48
  • you may use functions from other packages, such as numpy

df[['Time', 'Distance']].apply(np.sin).head()
Time Distance
0 -0.901866 0.053604
1 -0.901697 0.447197
2 -0.035549 -0.046354
3 -0.739059 0.270228
4 -0.236515 -0.086263
  • or make your own custom function

df[['Time']].apply(lambda x: x/60).head()
0 34.733333
1 42.183333
2 31.050000
3 36.533333
4 31.516667
  • use df.applymap() for functions that accept and return a scalar

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 33 entries, 0 to 32
Data columns (total 6 columns):
Date        33 non-null object
Name        33 non-null object
Type        33 non-null object
Time        33 non-null int64
Distance    31 non-null float64
Comments    33 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 1.7+ KB
float([1, 2]) # this function only accepts a single value, so this will fail
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-129-7c9875858560> in <module>
----> 1 float([1, 2]) # this function only accepts a single value, so this will fail

TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'list'
df[['Time']].apply(float).head() # fails
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-130-4550bed00aba> in <module>
----> 1 df[['Time']].apply(float).head() # fails

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in apply(self, func, axis, broadcast, raw, reduce, result_type, args, **kwds)
   6926             kwds=kwds,
   6927         )
-> 6928         return op.get_result()
   6930     def applymap(self, func):

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/apply.py in get_result(self)
    184             return self.apply_raw()
--> 186         return self.apply_standard()
    188     def apply_empty_result(self):

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/apply.py in apply_standard(self)
    291         # compute the result using the series generator
--> 292         self.apply_series_generator()
    294         # wrap results

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/apply.py in apply_series_generator(self)
    319             try:
    320                 for i, v in enumerate(series_gen):
--> 321                     results[i] = self.f(v)
    322                     keys.append(v.name)
    323             except Exception as e:

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/series.py in wrapper(self)
    129         if len(self) == 1:
    130             return converter(self.iloc[0])
--> 131         raise TypeError("cannot convert the series to " "{0}".format(str(converter)))
    133     wrapper.__name__ = "__{name}__".format(name=converter.__name__)

TypeError: ("cannot convert the series to <class 'float'>", 'occurred at index Time')
df_float_1 = df[['Time']].applymap(float).head() # works with applymap
0 2084.0
1 2531.0
2 1863.0
3 2192.0
4 1891.0
  • however, if you’re applying an in-built function, there’s often another (vectorized) way…

  • from Pandas docsNote that a vectorized version of func often exists, which will be much faster.

df_float_2 = df[['Time']].astype(float).head() # alternatively, use astype
0 2084.0
1 2531.0
2 1863.0
3 2192.0
4 1891.0
# using vectorized .astype
%timeit df[['Time']].astype(float)
948 µs ± 37.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
# using element-wise .applymap
%timeit df[['Time']].applymap(float)
2.53 ms ± 85.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)