Appendix C: Representing documents using embeddings#


## Imports

import os
import re
import string
import sys
import time

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."), "code"))

import IPython
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import pandas as pd
from comat import CooccurrenceMatrix
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
from preprocessing import MyPreprocessor
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

(Optional) Representing documents using word embeddings#

  • Assuming that we have reasonable representations of words.

  • How do we represent meaning of paragraphs or documents?

  • Two simple approaches

    • Averaging embeddings

    • Concatenating embeddings

Averaging embeddings#

All empty promises


Average embeddings with spaCy#

  • We can do this conveniently with spaCy.

  • We need en_core_web_md model to access word vectors.

  • You can download the model by going to command line and in your course conda environment and download en_core_web_md as follows.

conda activate cpsc330
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md

We can access word vectors for individual words in spaCy as follows.

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")

doc = nlp("pineapple") # extract all interesting information about the document
array([ 6.5486e-01, -2.2584e+00,  6.2793e-02,  1.8801e+00,  2.0700e-01,
       -3.3299e+00, -9.6833e-01,  1.5131e+00, -3.7041e+00, -7.7749e-02,
        1.5029e+00, -1.7764e+00,  1.7324e+00,  1.6241e+00,  2.6455e-01,
       -3.0840e+00,  7.5715e-01, -1.2903e+00,  2.3571e+00, -3.8793e+00,
        7.7635e-01,  3.9372e+00,  3.9900e-01, -6.8284e-01, -1.4018e+00,
       -2.1673e+00, -1.9244e+00,  1.0629e+00,  3.3378e-01, -8.3864e-01,
       -2.5646e-01, -1.7198e+00, -5.4607e-02, -1.4614e+00,  1.3352e+00,
       -1.8177e+00,  1.7254e+00,  4.9624e-01,  1.1314e+00, -1.5295e+00,
       -8.8629e-01, -2.7562e-01,  7.1799e-01,  1.5554e-01,  3.4230e+00,
        2.7167e+00,  1.1793e+00,  2.0961e-01,  3.3121e-01,  1.2322e+00,
        1.4375e+00, -4.2099e-01,  6.2814e-01, -1.9051e+00,  3.0593e-02,
        6.1895e-01, -3.1495e-01, -2.0444e-04,  2.2073e+00,  3.8856e-01,
        1.6554e+00,  1.1932e+00,  2.6678e+00, -5.5454e-01, -1.2078e+00,
        1.5709e-01, -1.1324e+00, -2.0163e+00,  1.4567e+00, -2.4244e-01,
       -1.9425e+00,  8.3090e-01,  1.7428e-01,  9.1676e-01,  8.8830e-03,
        2.4857e-01, -1.2018e+00, -2.3073e+00,  2.2553e+00, -1.5853e+00,
       -5.8452e-01,  9.2523e-01, -2.7129e-01, -7.6348e-01,  1.3506e+00,
        1.7429e+00,  3.0469e+00,  1.9319e+00, -2.6099e+00,  1.8484e+00,
        1.3795e+00,  2.0948e+00,  1.1545e+00, -2.9681e+00, -5.0455e-02,
       -5.3864e-01,  2.4820e+00, -1.1131e+00, -2.1827e-01, -2.7559e+00,
       -4.4502e-01, -2.8897e+00,  1.7430e+00, -1.5742e+00,  5.7160e-02,
        2.4764e+00, -2.5828e+00,  9.3866e-01, -1.3150e+00,  2.3863e+00,
        6.1536e-01,  1.7656e-01,  2.0245e+00,  1.6807e-01, -1.2850e+00,
        1.6425e-01,  1.7782e+00, -3.2221e+00,  6.1392e-01,  1.3269e+00,
       -3.1582e-02,  6.6331e-01, -6.8109e-01,  5.0985e-01, -4.2942e-01,
       -1.6438e-01,  7.9306e-01, -3.0776e+00,  1.8022e+00, -4.5356e-01,
       -1.6405e+00,  8.1761e-01,  1.4960e+00, -6.2266e-01,  8.5264e-01,
       -5.0226e-01, -1.5735e+00, -4.5090e+00, -5.0587e-01, -1.5471e+00,
       -5.3910e-01, -6.6574e-01,  7.6376e-01, -1.4926e+00, -7.8819e-01,
       -9.9256e-01,  1.1512e+00,  5.2091e-01,  1.6460e-01, -2.6747e+00,
       -1.7082e+00,  1.5789e+00, -2.8982e-01, -1.2842e+00, -1.1286e+00,
        7.6392e-01,  3.2199e+00,  7.5850e-01,  1.3628e+00, -1.3231e+00,
        2.2350e-02, -2.5602e+00,  6.7751e-01,  4.0511e-01,  1.8997e+00,
       -1.1051e+00, -1.3014e-01,  7.2024e-01,  6.2354e-02,  1.1913e-01,
       -1.1978e+00, -1.5625e+00, -2.5975e-01,  2.5911e+00, -3.2413e+00,
       -3.8988e-01, -4.0542e-01, -1.8894e+00,  3.4278e+00, -3.3625e-01,
       -2.0979e+00,  1.3275e+00, -2.0514e+00,  2.4583e-01, -7.3326e-01,
       -2.3684e+00,  2.8493e+00, -5.2075e-01,  2.2708e-01, -6.8701e-01,
       -7.0855e-01, -7.5334e-01,  7.3050e-02,  2.2246e+00, -2.6824e-01,
       -2.8289e-01, -1.8230e+00,  2.2047e+00, -2.4848e-01, -2.3042e-02,
        1.0358e+00, -2.7074e-01, -5.6816e-02, -9.1017e-01,  1.2943e-01,
       -1.4274e+00, -3.6128e-01,  7.3127e-01,  2.0264e+00,  7.2928e-01,
        1.7298e+00,  1.1075e+00, -7.0250e-01,  1.6928e+00,  2.0074e+00,
       -7.5464e-01,  1.6378e+00,  3.5970e-01, -2.2128e-01, -1.7607e-01,
        1.8260e+00, -2.5962e-01, -1.4320e+00,  7.8332e-01,  2.1438e+00,
       -2.4723e+00, -1.4913e-01,  6.2585e-01,  6.6819e-01,  2.3947e+00,
       -2.7173e+00,  2.4134e-03, -8.6530e-01, -9.7728e-01, -2.9815e+00,
        1.6895e+00, -7.1146e-01,  3.2025e+00, -9.4129e-01, -1.9695e+00,
        7.7711e-01, -3.2278e-01, -1.3727e+00,  2.9276e+00, -1.5440e-01,
        1.7169e+00,  5.5736e-01,  1.4620e-01, -1.1244e+00, -2.4633e+00,
       -2.2685e+00,  1.2459e+00, -2.0362e+00, -4.8331e-01, -6.3194e-01,
       -2.4082e+00, -9.0132e-01,  3.0541e+00, -2.2632e+00, -3.7800e-01,
       -3.1647e-01,  1.0785e+00, -3.0444e-01,  1.2112e+00, -1.3496e+00,
        1.0599e+00,  4.2607e-01,  4.0194e-01, -2.8586e+00,  1.0107e+00,
        1.5924e+00, -5.1770e-01,  1.3246e+00,  3.2268e-01, -1.3978e-01,
       -2.1841e+00,  1.6548e+00,  1.3903e+00,  6.3376e-01, -4.7083e-01,
        6.8377e-01, -1.3031e+00, -1.3292e-01, -1.1567e+00,  5.3419e-01,
       -1.3412e+00, -1.5887e+00, -9.4468e-01, -2.4031e+00,  3.1785e+00,
        1.1524e+00, -1.1699e+00,  9.8752e-01, -1.0660e+00, -2.1852e+00,
       -3.1228e-01,  3.0012e+00, -1.2234e+00,  5.7454e-01, -2.1885e-01],
array([ 0.010289,  4.9203  , -0.48081 ,  3.5738  , -2.2516  ,  2.1697  ,
       -1.0116  ,  2.4216  , -3.7343  ,  3.3025  ], dtype=float32)

We can get average embeddings for a sentence or a document in spaCy as follows:

s = "All empty promises"
doc = nlp(s)
avg_sent_emb = doc.vector
print("Vector for: {}\n{}".format((s), (avg_sent_emb[0:10])))
Vector for: All empty promises
[-0.459937    1.9785299   1.0319      1.5123      1.4806334   2.73183
  1.204       1.1724668  -3.5227966  -0.05656664]

Similarity between documents#

  • We can also get similarity between documents as follows.

  • Note that this is based on average embeddings of each sentence.

doc1 = nlp("Deep learning is very popular these days.")
doc2 = nlp("Machine learning is dominated by neural networks.")
doc3 = nlp("A home-made fresh bread with butter and cheese.")

# Similarity of two documents
print(doc1, "<->", doc2, doc1.similarity(doc2))
print(doc2, "<->", doc3, doc2.similarity(doc3))
Deep learning is very popular these days. <-> Machine learning is dominated by neural networks. 0.699868820717508
Machine learning is dominated by neural networks. <-> A home-made fresh bread with butter and cheese. 0.5098293421139041
  • Do these scores make sense?

  • There are no common words, but we are still able to identify that doc1 and doc2 are more similar that doc2 and doc3.

  • You can use such average embedding representation in text classification tasks.

Airline sentiment analysis using average embedding representation#

  • Let’s try average embedding representation for airline sentiment analysis.

  • You can download the data here.

df = pd.read_csv("data/Airline-Sentiment-2-w-AA.csv", encoding="ISO-8859-1")
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate, train_test_split

train_df, test_df = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2, random_state=123)
X_train, y_train = train_df["text"], train_df["airline_sentiment"]
X_test, y_test = test_df["text"], test_df["airline_sentiment"]
_unit_id _golden _unit_state _trusted_judgments _last_judgment_at airline_sentiment airline_sentiment:confidence negativereason negativereason:confidence airline airline_sentiment_gold name negativereason_gold retweet_count text tweet_coord tweet_created tweet_id tweet_location user_timezone
5789 681455792 False finalized 3 2/25/15 4:21 negative 1.0 Can't Tell 0.6667 Southwest NaN mrssuperdimmock NaN 0 @SouthwestAir link doesn't work NaN 2/19/15 18:53 5.686040e+17 Lake Arrowhead, CA Pacific Time (US & Canada)
8918 681459957 False finalized 3 2/25/15 9:45 neutral 1.0 NaN NaN Delta NaN labeles NaN 0 @JetBlue okayyyy. But I had huge irons on way ... NaN 2/17/15 10:18 5.677500e+17 NaN NaN
11688 681462990 False finalized 3 2/25/15 9:53 negative 1.0 Customer Service Issue 0.6727 US Airways NaN DropMeAnywhere NaN 0 @USAirways They're all reservations numbers an... [0.0, 0.0] 2/17/15 14:50 5.678190e+17 Here, There and Everywhere Arizona
413 681448905 False finalized 3 2/25/15 10:10 neutral 1.0 NaN NaN Virgin America NaN jsamaudio NaN 0 @VirginAmerica no A's channel this year? NaN 2/18/15 12:25 5.681440e+17 St. Francis (Calif.) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
4135 681454122 False finalized 3 2/25/15 10:08 negative 1.0 Bad Flight 0.3544 United NaN CajunSQL NaN 0 @united missed it. Incoming on time, then Sat... NaN 2/17/15 14:20 5.678110e+17 Baton Rouge, LA NaN

Bag-of-words representation for sentiment analysis#

pipe = make_pipeline(
    CountVectorizer(stop_words="english"), LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000)
X_train_transformed = pipe.named_steps["countvectorizer"].transform(X_train)
print("Data matrix shape:", X_train_transformed.shape), y_train);
Data matrix shape: (11712, 13064)
print("Train accuracy {:.2f}".format(pipe.score(X_train, y_train)))
print("Test accuracy {:.2f}".format(pipe.score(X_test, y_test)))
Train accuracy 0.94
Test accuracy 0.80

Sentiment analysis with average embedding representation#

  • Let’s see how can we get word vectors using spaCy.

  • Let’s create average embedding representation for each example.

X_train_embeddings = pd.DataFrame([text.vector for text in nlp.pipe(X_train)])
X_test_embeddings = pd.DataFrame([text.vector for text in nlp.pipe(X_test)])
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[11], line 2
      1 X_train_embeddings = pd.DataFrame([text.vector for text in nlp.pipe(X_train)])
----> 2 X_test_embeddings = pd.DataFrame([text.vector for text in nlp.pipe(X_test)])

Cell In[11], line 2, in <listcomp>(.0)
      1 X_train_embeddings = pd.DataFrame([text.vector for text in nlp.pipe(X_train)])
----> 2 X_test_embeddings = pd.DataFrame([text.vector for text in nlp.pipe(X_test)])

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in Language.pipe(self, texts, as_tuples, batch_size, disable, component_cfg, n_process)
   1616     for pipe in pipes:
   1617         docs = pipe(docs)
-> 1618 for doc in docs:
   1619     yield doc

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in _pipe(docs, proc, name, default_error_handler, kwargs)
   1675 def _pipe(
   1676     docs: Iterable["Doc"],
   1677     proc: "PipeCallable",
   1682     kwargs: Mapping[str, Any],
   1683 ) -> Iterator["Doc"]:
   1684     if hasattr(proc, "pipe"):
-> 1685         yield from proc.pipe(docs, **kwargs)
   1686     else:
   1687         # We added some args for pipe that __call__ doesn't expect.
   1688         kwargs = dict(kwargs)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/transition_parser.pyx:245, in pipe()

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in minibatch(items, size)
   1630 while True:
   1631     batch_size = next(size_)
-> 1632     batch = list(itertools.islice(items, int(batch_size)))
   1633     if len(batch) == 0:
   1634         break

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in _pipe(docs, proc, name, default_error_handler, kwargs)
   1675 def _pipe(
   1676     docs: Iterable["Doc"],
   1677     proc: "PipeCallable",
   1682     kwargs: Mapping[str, Any],
   1683 ) -> Iterator["Doc"]:
   1684     if hasattr(proc, "pipe"):
-> 1685         yield from proc.pipe(docs, **kwargs)
   1686     else:
   1687         # We added some args for pipe that __call__ doesn't expect.
   1688         kwargs = dict(kwargs)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/pipe.pyx:55, in pipe()

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in _pipe(docs, proc, name, default_error_handler, kwargs)
   1675 def _pipe(
   1676     docs: Iterable["Doc"],
   1677     proc: "PipeCallable",
   1682     kwargs: Mapping[str, Any],
   1683 ) -> Iterator["Doc"]:
   1684     if hasattr(proc, "pipe"):
-> 1685         yield from proc.pipe(docs, **kwargs)
   1686     else:
   1687         # We added some args for pipe that __call__ doesn't expect.
   1688         kwargs = dict(kwargs)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/pipe.pyx:55, in pipe()

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in _pipe(docs, proc, name, default_error_handler, kwargs)
   1675 def _pipe(
   1676     docs: Iterable["Doc"],
   1677     proc: "PipeCallable",
   1682     kwargs: Mapping[str, Any],
   1683 ) -> Iterator["Doc"]:
   1684     if hasattr(proc, "pipe"):
-> 1685         yield from proc.pipe(docs, **kwargs)
   1686     else:
   1687         # We added some args for pipe that __call__ doesn't expect.
   1688         kwargs = dict(kwargs)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/transition_parser.pyx:245, in pipe()

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in minibatch(items, size)
   1630 while True:
   1631     batch_size = next(size_)
-> 1632     batch = list(itertools.islice(items, int(batch_size)))
   1633     if len(batch) == 0:
   1634         break

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in _pipe(docs, proc, name, default_error_handler, kwargs)
   1675 def _pipe(
   1676     docs: Iterable["Doc"],
   1677     proc: "PipeCallable",
   1682     kwargs: Mapping[str, Any],
   1683 ) -> Iterator["Doc"]:
   1684     if hasattr(proc, "pipe"):
-> 1685         yield from proc.pipe(docs, **kwargs)
   1686     else:
   1687         # We added some args for pipe that __call__ doesn't expect.
   1688         kwargs = dict(kwargs)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/trainable_pipe.pyx:73, in pipe()

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in minibatch(items, size)
   1630 while True:
   1631     batch_size = next(size_)
-> 1632     batch = list(itertools.islice(items, int(batch_size)))
   1633     if len(batch) == 0:
   1634         break

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/, in _pipe(docs, proc, name, default_error_handler, kwargs)
   1675 def _pipe(
   1676     docs: Iterable["Doc"],
   1677     proc: "PipeCallable",
   1682     kwargs: Mapping[str, Any],
   1683 ) -> Iterator["Doc"]:
   1684     if hasattr(proc, "pipe"):
-> 1685         yield from proc.pipe(docs, **kwargs)
   1686     else:
   1687         # We added some args for pipe that __call__ doesn't expect.
   1688         kwargs = dict(kwargs)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/trainable_pipe.pyx:75, in pipe()

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/, in Tok2Vec.predict(self, docs)
    124     width = self.model.get_dim("nO")
    125     return [self.model.ops.alloc((0, width)) for doc in docs]
--> 126 tokvecs = self.model.predict(docs)
    127 return tokvecs

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/, in Model.predict(self, X)
    330 def predict(self, X: InT) -> OutT:
    331     """Call the model's `forward` function with `is_train=False`, and return
    332     only the output, instead of the `(output, callback)` tuple.
    333     """
--> 334     return self._func(self, X, is_train=False)[0]

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in forward(model, X, is_train)
     52 callbacks = []
     53 for layer in model.layers:
---> 54     Y, inc_layer_grad = layer(X, is_train=is_train)
     55     callbacks.append(inc_layer_grad)
     56     X = Y

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/, in Model.__call__(self, X, is_train)
    307 def __call__(self, X: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
    308     """Call the model's `forward` function, returning the output and a
    309     callback to compute the gradients via backpropagation."""
--> 310     return self._func(self, X, is_train=is_train)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in forward(model, Xseq, is_train)
     40     return model.layers[0](Xseq, is_train)
     41 else:
---> 42     return cast(Tuple[SeqT, Callable], _list_forward(model, Xseq, is_train))

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in _list_forward(model, Xs, is_train)
     75 lengths = NUMPY_OPS.asarray1i([len(seq) for seq in Xs])
     76 Xf = layer.ops.flatten(Xs, pad=pad)
---> 77 Yf, get_dXf = layer(Xf, is_train)
     79 def backprop(dYs: ListXd) -> ListXd:
     80     dYf = layer.ops.flatten(dYs, pad=pad)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/, in Model.__call__(self, X, is_train)
    307 def __call__(self, X: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
    308     """Call the model's `forward` function, returning the output and a
    309     callback to compute the gradients via backpropagation."""
--> 310     return self._func(self, X, is_train=is_train)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in forward(model, X, is_train)
     52 callbacks = []
     53 for layer in model.layers:
---> 54     Y, inc_layer_grad = layer(X, is_train=is_train)
     55     callbacks.append(inc_layer_grad)
     56     X = Y

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/, in Model.__call__(self, X, is_train)
    307 def __call__(self, X: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
    308     """Call the model's `forward` function, returning the output and a
    309     callback to compute the gradients via backpropagation."""
--> 310     return self._func(self, X, is_train=is_train)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in forward(model, X, is_train)
     38     else:
     39         return d_output + dX
---> 41 Y, backprop_layer = model.layers[0](X, is_train)
     42 if isinstance(X, list):
     43     return [X[i] + Y[i] for i in range(len(X))], backprop

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/, in Model.__call__(self, X, is_train)
    307 def __call__(self, X: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
    308     """Call the model's `forward` function, returning the output and a
    309     callback to compute the gradients via backpropagation."""
--> 310     return self._func(self, X, is_train=is_train)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in forward(model, X, is_train)
     52 callbacks = []
     53 for layer in model.layers:
---> 54     Y, inc_layer_grad = layer(X, is_train=is_train)
     55     callbacks.append(inc_layer_grad)
     56     X = Y

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/, in Model.__call__(self, X, is_train)
    307 def __call__(self, X: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
    308     """Call the model's `forward` function, returning the output and a
    309     callback to compute the gradients via backpropagation."""
--> 310     return self._func(self, X, is_train=is_train)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in forward(model, X, is_train)
     52 callbacks = []
     53 for layer in model.layers:
---> 54     Y, inc_layer_grad = layer(X, is_train=is_train)
     55     callbacks.append(inc_layer_grad)
     56     X = Y

    [... skipping similar frames: Model.__call__ at line 310 (1 times)]

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in forward(model, X, is_train)
     52 callbacks = []
     53 for layer in model.layers:
---> 54     Y, inc_layer_grad = layer(X, is_train=is_train)
     55     callbacks.append(inc_layer_grad)
     56     X = Y

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/, in Model.__call__(self, X, is_train)
    307 def __call__(self, X: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
    308     """Call the model's `forward` function, returning the output and a
    309     callback to compute the gradients via backpropagation."""
--> 310     return self._func(self, X, is_train=is_train)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/cpsc330/lib/python3.10/site-packages/thinc/layers/, in forward(model, X, is_train)
     50 W = model.get_param("W")
     51 W = model.ops.reshape2f(W, nO * nP, nI)
---> 52 Y = model.ops.gemm(X, W, trans2=True)
     53 Y += model.ops.reshape1f(b, nO * nP)
     54 Z = model.ops.reshape3f(Y, Y.shape[0], nO, nP)


We have reduced dimensionality from 13,064 to 300!

(11712, 300)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299
0 1.259942 4.856640 -2.677500 -1.875390 0.459240 -0.304300 3.273020 2.008458 -4.818360 1.002320 ... 1.555840 1.274170 0.716420 -1.296220 -1.403746 0.430054 1.107044 0.224080 -0.903256 -0.295254
1 -0.563826 0.869816 -2.462877 0.057751 0.892089 0.566698 -0.283121 3.594112 -1.578107 1.037976 ... 0.270313 -0.948990 2.653996 -1.631425 -1.850329 0.432467 0.979464 1.015146 -2.604236 -0.188137
2 -0.707503 0.908782 -3.248327 -0.667797 2.590958 2.246804 -1.095754 3.953429 -1.524224 0.593270 ... 0.948402 -1.760466 1.369070 -2.204359 -1.357214 0.389199 0.205336 0.100318 -2.950879 1.399726
3 -0.977736 4.676425 -0.224362 -1.011286 3.981441 -1.132660 0.988456 2.997113 0.553975 -0.539687 ... -0.229152 1.099266 1.652113 0.036738 0.315839 1.429018 0.557437 -0.333650 -0.281916 -0.587222
4 -0.725984 0.178514 -1.163662 0.597000 4.621603 -1.166608 1.256955 3.940082 0.530063 -0.816050 ... -0.398607 -0.219403 0.925384 -0.751906 -1.969212 1.381326 2.146303 0.195811 -2.914482 0.297692

5 rows × 300 columns

lgr = LogisticRegression(max_iter=2000), y_train)
print("Train accuracy {:.2f}".format(lgr.score(X_train_embeddings, y_train)))
print("Test accuracy {:.2f}".format(lgr.score(X_test_embeddings, y_test)))
Train accuracy 0.80
Test accuracy 0.79

Sentiment classification using average embeddings#

  • What are the train and test accuracies with average word embedding representation?

  • The accuracy is similar with less overfitting.

  • Note that we are using transfer learning here.

  • The embeddings are trained on a completely different corpus.

(Optional) Sentiment classification using advanced sentence representations#

  • Since, representing documents is so essential for text classification tasks, there are more advanced methods for document representation.

  • In homework 6, you also explore sentence embedding representation.

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

embedder = SentenceTransformer("paraphrase-distilroberta-base-v1")
emb_sents = embedder.encode("all empty promises")
emb_train = embedder.encode(train_df["text"].tolist())
emb_train_df = pd.DataFrame(emb_train, index=train_df.index)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767
5789 -0.120494 0.250263 -0.022795 -0.116368 0.078650 0.037357 -0.251341 0.321429 -0.143984 -0.123486 ... 0.199150 -0.150143 0.167078 -0.407671 -0.066161 0.049514 0.019384 -0.357602 0.125996 0.381074
8918 -0.182954 0.118282 0.066341 -0.136098 0.094947 -0.121303 0.069233 -0.097500 0.025740 -0.367981 ... 0.113612 0.114662 0.049926 0.256736 -0.118687 -0.190720 0.011985 -0.141883 -0.230142 0.024899
11688 -0.032988 0.630251 -0.079516 0.148981 0.194708 -0.226263 -0.043630 0.217398 -0.010715 0.069644 ... 0.676791 0.244484 0.051042 0.064099 -0.146945 0.090878 -0.090060 0.077211 -0.209226 0.308773
413 -0.119258 0.172168 0.098697 0.319858 0.415475 0.248359 -0.025923 0.385350 0.066414 -0.334289 ... -0.128482 -0.232446 -0.077805 0.181329 0.123244 -0.143693 0.660457 -0.048714 0.204774 0.163497
4135 0.094240 0.360193 0.213747 0.363690 0.275521 0.134936 -0.276319 0.009336 -0.021523 -0.258992 ... 0.474885 0.242125 0.294533 0.279013 0.037831 0.089761 -0.548748 -0.049258 0.154525 0.141268
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5218 -0.204408 -0.145289 -0.064201 0.213571 -0.140225 0.338556 -0.148578 0.224515 -0.042963 0.075930 ... -0.161948 0.040582 0.003971 -0.152549 -0.582907 -0.126526 0.060502 -0.111495 -0.097493 0.199321
12252 0.108408 0.438293 0.216812 -0.349289 0.422689 0.377760 0.045198 -0.034095 0.427570 -0.328272 ... 0.257849 -0.032363 -0.275004 0.080452 -0.078975 -0.049972 -0.009761 -0.314754 -0.020773 0.268777
1346 0.068411 0.017591 0.236154 0.221446 -0.103568 0.055510 0.062910 0.067424 -0.003504 -0.157757 ... 0.007711 0.323297 0.334637 0.367041 -0.068821 0.063667 -0.329990 0.232330 -0.184768 -0.000682
11646 -0.091488 -0.155708 0.032391 0.018314 0.524997 0.563933 -0.080985 0.097982 -0.535285 -0.377194 ... 0.428013 -0.144572 0.045297 -0.107935 -0.135673 -0.290019 -0.137200 -0.503395 -0.042567 -0.282592
3582 0.185626 0.092904 0.097085 -0.174650 -0.193584 0.047294 0.098216 0.332670 0.163098 -0.135101 ... 0.078530 -0.030177 0.391598 0.073520 -0.454037 -0.244358 -0.790682 -0.607010 -0.255162 0.029779

11712 rows × 768 columns

emb_test = embedder.encode(test_df["text"].tolist())
emb_test_df = pd.DataFrame(emb_test, index=test_df.index)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767
1671 -0.002864 0.217326 0.124349 -0.082548 0.709688 -0.582441 0.257897 0.169356 0.248880 -0.266686 ... 0.501767 0.095387 0.340173 0.087452 -0.368359 0.276195 0.238676 -0.219546 0.066603 0.256149
10951 -0.141048 0.137934 0.131319 0.194773 0.868204 0.078791 -0.131656 0.036244 -0.215749 -0.291946 ... -0.056256 -0.056041 0.147341 0.189665 -0.357366 0.061799 -0.161923 -0.278955 -0.173722 0.065324
5382 -0.252943 0.527507 -0.065608 0.013467 0.207989 0.003881 -0.066281 0.253166 0.021039 0.290957 ... 0.180686 -0.042605 -0.173794 -0.079128 -0.169160 0.001316 -0.142593 -0.070816 -0.208826 0.400737
3954 0.054319 0.096738 0.113037 0.032039 0.493064 -0.641102 0.078760 0.402187 0.189743 -0.089538 ... 0.123879 -0.285019 -0.297771 0.557171 0.076169 -0.029826 -0.076095 0.225454 0.002135 0.235430
11193 -0.065858 0.223270 0.507333 0.266193 0.104696 -0.219555 0.146247 0.315649 -0.126193 -0.435461 ... 0.163994 0.207813 -0.001871 0.109391 -0.166778 -0.249199 -0.525419 -0.413066 0.119939 0.064297
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5861 0.077512 0.322276 0.026697 -0.111393 0.174207 0.235201 0.053888 0.244942 0.181625 -0.226870 ... 0.149843 0.311338 0.045975 -0.572319 -0.068256 0.217745 -0.056509 -0.355174 -0.028610 0.090676
3627 -0.173311 -0.023604 0.190388 -0.136543 -0.360269 -0.444686 0.056311 0.291941 -0.399719 -0.167930 ... 0.042209 -0.161905 -0.040535 -0.050515 -0.252020 -0.133980 0.155001 -0.154482 -0.060201 -0.126556
12559 -0.124635 -0.101799 0.129061 0.636907 0.681090 0.399300 -0.078321 0.221824 -0.277218 -0.178589 ... 0.022364 -0.109275 -0.073540 -0.153336 -0.123705 -0.238896 0.296446 -0.116798 0.115076 -0.345925
8123 0.063508 0.332506 0.119605 -0.001363 -0.161802 -0.082302 -0.025883 0.048027 0.126974 -0.159802 ... 0.002221 -0.093885 0.430285 -0.088561 0.321488 0.447437 0.292395 -0.188566 -0.272767 0.126173
210 0.015537 0.425568 0.350672 0.113120 -0.128615 0.098112 0.222081 0.101654 0.224073 -0.341074 ... 0.100983 -0.008055 0.202025 0.029846 -0.019182 0.107064 0.002301 0.038213 -0.139270 -0.007586

2928 rows × 768 columns

lgr = LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000), y_train)
print("Train accuracy {:.2f}".format(lgr.score(emb_train, y_train)))
print("Test accuracy {:.2f}".format(lgr.score(emb_test, y_test)))
Train accuracy 0.87
Test accuracy 0.83
  • Some improvement over bag of words and average embedding representations!

  • But much slower …

(Optional) Training LDA with gensim#

  • Above we are creating an LDA model with sklearn. If you want more flexibility, you can use a Gensim’s LDA

  • To train an LDA model with gensim, you need

    • Document-term matrix

    • Dictionary (vocabulary)

    • The number of topics (K): num_topics

    • The number of passes: passes

Gensim’s doc2bow#

import wikipedia

queries = [
    "Artificial Intelligence",
    "unsupervised learning",
    "Supreme Court of Canada",
    "Peace, Order, and Good Government",
    "Canadian constitutional law",
    "ice hockey",
wiki_dict = {"wiki query": [], "text": []}
for i in range(len(queries)):
    wiki_dict["wiki query"].append(queries[i])

wiki_df = pd.DataFrame(wiki_dict)
wiki query text
0 Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligen...
1 unsupervised learning Supervised learning (SL) is a paradigm in mach...
2 Supreme Court of Canada The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC; French: Cour...
3 Peace, Order, and Good Government In many Commonwealth jurisdictions, the phrase...
4 Canadian constitutional law Canadian constitutional law (French: droit con...
5 ice hockey Ice hockey (or simply hockey) is a team sport ...
import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md", disable=["parser", "ner"])
def preprocess(
    irrelevant_pos=["ADV", "PRON", "CCONJ", "PUNCT", "PART", "DET", "ADP", "SPACE"],
    Given text, min_token_len, and irrelevant_pos carry out preprocessing of the text
    and return a preprocessed string.

    doc : (spaCy doc object)
        the spacy doc object of the text
    min_token_len : (int)
        min_token_length required
    irrelevant_pos : (list)
        a list of irrelevant pos tags

    (str) the preprocessed text

    clean_text = []

    for token in doc:
        if (
            token.is_stop == False  # Check if it's not a stopword
            and len(token) > min_token_len  # Check if the word meets minimum threshold
            and token.pos_ not in irrelevant_pos
        ):  # Check if the POS is in the acceptable POS tags
            lemma = token.lemma_  # Take the lemma of the word
    return " ".join(clean_text)
wiki_df["text_pp"] = [preprocess(text) for text in nlp.pipe(wiki_df["text"])]
wiki query text text_pp
0 Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligen... artificial intelligence intelligence machine s...
1 unsupervised learning Supervised learning (SL) is a paradigm in mach... supervised learning paradigm machine learning ...
2 Supreme Court of Canada The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC; French: Cour... supreme court canada scc french cour suprême c...
3 Peace, Order, and Good Government In many Commonwealth jurisdictions, the phrase... commonwealth jurisdiction phrase peace order g...
4 Canadian constitutional law Canadian constitutional law (French: droit con... canadian constitutional law french droit const...
5 ice hockey Ice hockey (or simply hockey) is a team sport ... ice hockey hockey team sport play ice skate ic...
import gensim
import gensim.corpora as corpora

corpus = [doc.split() for doc in wiki_df["text_pp"].tolist()]
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(corpus)  # Create a vocabulary for the lda model
    dictionary.token2id.keys(), index=dictionary.token2id.values(), columns=["Word"]
0 "criticism
1 0070087705.these
2 0134610993
3 127
4 1863
... ...
3789 works
3790 worldwide
3791 youth
3792 zhenskaya
3793 zonal

3794 rows × 1 columns

Gensim’s doc2bow#

  • Now let’s convert our corpus into document-term matrix for LDA using dictionary.doc2bow.

  • For each document, it stores the frequency of each token in the document in the format (token_id, frequency).

doc_term_matrix = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in corpus]
[(61, 4),
 (76, 1),
 (81, 3),
 (82, 1),
 (88, 1),
 (89, 1),
 (92, 3),
 (123, 51),
 (130, 1),
 (141, 4),
 (143, 1),
 (155, 1),
 (156, 1),
 (157, 4),
 (158, 3),
 (171, 1),
 (174, 1),
 (181, 2),
 (190, 2),
 (202, 3)]

Now we are ready to train an LDA model.

from gensim.models import LdaModel
from gensim.models import LdaModel

num_topics = 3

lda = gensim.models.LdaModel(

Examine the topics and topic distribution for a document in our LDA model#

lda.print_topics(num_words=4)  # Topics
[(0, '0.031*"hockey" + 0.022*"ice" + 0.020*"player" + 0.019*"team"'),
  '0.010*"learning" + 0.009*"algorithm" + 0.009*"machine" + 0.009*"intelligence"'),
 (2, '0.029*"court" + 0.015*"law" + 0.012*"provincial" + 0.012*"government"')]
print("Document: ", wiki_df.iloc[0].iloc[0])
print("Topic assignment for document: ", lda[doc_term_matrix[0]])  # Topic distribution
Document:  Artificial Intelligence
Topic assignment for document:  [(1, 0.99986523)]

You can also visualize the topics using pyLDAvis.

pip install pyLDAvis

Do not install it using conda. They have made some changes in the recent version and conda build is not available for this version yet.

Visualize topics#

# import pyLDAvis
# import pyLDAvis.gensim_models as gensimvis
# vis = gensimvis.prepare(lda, doc_term_matrix, dictionary, sort_topics=False)
# vis