Lecture 18: Introduction to natural language processing#
UBC 2024-25
import os
import re
import string
import sys
import time
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(".."), "code"))
from plotting_functions_unsup import *
import IPython
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import pandas as pd
from comat import CooccurrenceMatrix
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
from preprocessing import MyPreprocessor
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(".."), "data/")

import nltk
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data] /Users/kvarada/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package stopwords is already up-to-date!
Learning objectives#
Broadly explain what is natural language processing (NLP).
Name some common NLP applications.
Explain the general idea of a vector space model.
Explain the difference between different word representations: term-term co-occurrence matrix representation and Word2Vec representation.
Describe the reasons and benefits of using pre-trained embeddings.
Load and use pre-trained word embeddings to find word similarities and analogies.
Demonstrate biases in embeddings and learn to watch out for such biases in pre-trained embeddings.
Use word embeddings in text classification and document clustering using
.Explain the general idea of topic modeling.
Describe the input and output of topic modeling.
Carry out basic text preprocessing using
What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?#
What should a search engine return when asked the following question?
How often do you search everyday?
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of machine learning focused on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language.
Everyday NLP applications
NLP in news
Often you’ll see NLP in news. Some examples:
Why is NLP hard?
Language is complex and subtle.
Language is ambiguous at different levels.
Language understanding involves common-sense knowledge and real-world reasoning.
All the problems related to representation and reasoning in artificial intelligence arise in this domain.
Lexical ambiguity
Referential ambiguity
appeal to means make a serious or urgent request or be attractive or interesting?
kicking is used as an adjective or a verb?
turning means becoming or take up?
Overall goal
Give you a quick introduction to you of this important field in artificial intelligence which extensively used machine learning.
This is a huge field. We’ll focus on the following three topics which are likely to be useful for you.
Word embeddings
Topic modeling
Basic text preprocessing
Motivation and context#
Do large language models, such as ChatGPT, “understand” your questions to some extent and provide useful responses?
What is required for a machine to “understand” language?
So far we have been talking about sentence or document representations.
This week, we’ll go one step back and talk about word representations.
Why? Because word is a basic semantic unit of text and in order to capture meaning of text it is useful to capture word meaning (e.g., in terms of relationships between words).
Activity: Context and word meaning#
Pair up with the person next to you and try to guess the meanings of two made-up words: flibbertigibbet and groak.
The plot twist was totally unexpected, making it a flibbertigibbet experience.
Despite its groak special effects, the storyline captivated my attention till the end.
I found the character development rather groak, failing to evoke empathy.
The cinematography is flibbertigibbet, showcasing breathtaking landscapes.
A groak narrative that could have been saved with better direction.
This movie offers a flibbertigibbet blend of humour and action, a must-watch.
Sadly, the movie’s potential was overshadowed by its groak pacing.
The soundtrack complemented the film’s theme perfectly, adding to its flibbertigibbet charm.
It’s rare to see such a flibbertigibbet performance by the lead actor.
Despite high expectations, the film turned out to be quite groak.
Flibbertigibbet dialogues and a gripping plot make this movie stand out.
The film’s groak screenplay left much to be desired.
Attributions: Thanks to ChatGPT!
How did you infer the meaning of the words flibbertigibbet and groak?
Which specific words or phrases in the context helped you infer the meaning of these imaginary words?
What you did in the above activity is referred to as distributional hypothesis.
You shall know a word by the company it keeps.
If A and B have almost identical environments we say that they are synonyms.
The plot twist was totally unexpected, making it a flibbertigibbet experience.
The plot twist was totally unexpected, making it a delightful experience.
Word representations: intro
A standard way to represent meanings of words is by placing them into a vector space.
Distances between words in the vector space indicate relationships between them.
(Attribution: Jurafsky and Martin 3rd edition)
Word meaning has been a favourite topic of philosophers for centuries.
An example from legal domain: Are hockey gloves “gloves, mittens, mitts” or “articles of plastics”?
Canada (A.G.) v. Igloo Vikski Inc. was a tariff code case that made its way to the SCC (Supreme Court of Canada). The case disputed the definition of hockey gloves as either "gloves, mittens, or mitts" or as "other articles of plastic."
In ML and Natural Language Processing (NLP) we are interested in
Modeling word meaning that allows us to
draw useful inferences to solve meaning-related problems
find relationship between words, e.g., which words are similar, which ones have positive or negative connotations
Example: Word similarity
Suppose you are carrying out sentiment analysis.
Consider the sentences below.
S1: This movie offers a flibbertigibbet blend of humour and action, a must-watch.
S2: This movie offers a delightful blend of humour and action, a must-watch.
Here we would like to capture similarity between flibbertigibbet and delightful in reference to sentiment analysis task.
How are word embeddings related to unsupervised learning?
They are closely related to extracting meaningful representations from raw data.
The word2vec algorithm is an unsupervised (or semi-supervised) method; we do not need any labeled data but we use running text as supervision signal.
Overview of dot product and cosine similarity
To create a vector space where similar words are close together, we need some metric to measure distances between representations.
We have used the Euclidean distance before for numeric features.
For sparse features, the most commonly used metrics are Dot product and Cosine distance.
Let’s look at an example.
vec1 = np.array([2.0, 4.0, 3.0])
vec2 = np.array([5.0, 1.0, 0.0])
Euclidean distance
# Euclidean Distance
euclidean_distance = np.linalg.norm(vec1 - vec2)
print(f"Euclidean Distance: {euclidean_distance:.4f}")
Euclidean Distance: 5.1962
dot product similarity: $\(similarity_{dot product}(vec1,vec2) = vec1.vec2\)$
# Dot Product
dot_product = np.dot(vec1, vec2)
print(f"Dot Product: {dot_product:.4f}")
Dot Product: 14.0000
Cosine similarity: normalized version of dot product. $\(similarity_{cosine}(vec1,vec2) = \frac{vec1.vec2}{\left\lVert vec1\right\rVert_2 \left\lVert vec2\right\rVert_2}\)$
The L2 norm of \(vec1\) is the magnitude of \(vec1\) $\(\left\lVert vec1\right\rVert_2 = \sqrt{\sum_i vec1_i^2}\)$
The L2 norm of \(vec2\) is the magnitude of \(vec2\) $\(\left\lVert vec2\right\rVert_2 = \sqrt{\sum_i vec2_i^2}\)$
# Cosine Similarity
cosine_similarity = np.dot(vec1, vec2) / (np.linalg.norm(vec1) * np.linalg.norm(vec2))
print(f"Cosine Similarity: {cosine_similarity:.4f}")
Cosine Similarity: 0.5098
Discussion question#
Suppose you are recommending items based on similarity between items. Given a query vector “Query” in the picture below and the three item vectors, determine the ranking for the three similarity measures below:
Similarity based on Euclidean distance
similarity based on dot product
Cosine similarity

Adapted from here.
Word embeddings#
Word embeddings are dense vector representations of words that capture semantic relationships by positioning similar words close to each other in vector space.
By converting words into continuous numerical vectors, word embeddings allow machine learning models to work with text data effectively.
Some commonly used algorithms to create embeddings are
. They learn rich and meaningful representations of words from large corpora.
Pre-trained embeddings
Creating these representations on your own is resource intensive. So people typically use “pretrained” embeddings. A number of pre-trained word embeddings are available. The most popular ones are:
trained on several corpora using the word2vec algorithm
pretrained embeddings for 12 languages
trained using the GloVe algorithm
published by Stanford University
fastText pre-trained embeddings for 294 languages
trained using the fastText algorithm
published by Facebook
How to use pretrained embeddings
Let’s try Google News pre-trained embeddings.
You can download pre-trained embeddings from their original source.
provides an api to conveniently load them. You need to install thegensim
package in the course environment.
conda install conda-forge::gensim
If you get errors when you import gensim
, try to install the following in the course environment.
pip install --upgrade gensim scipy
import gensim
import gensim.downloader as api
['fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300', 'conceptnet-numberbatch-17-06-300', 'word2vec-ruscorpora-300', 'word2vec-google-news-300', 'glove-wiki-gigaword-50', 'glove-wiki-gigaword-100', 'glove-wiki-gigaword-200', 'glove-wiki-gigaword-300', 'glove-twitter-25', 'glove-twitter-50', 'glove-twitter-100', 'glove-twitter-200', '__testing_word2vec-matrix-synopsis']
# It'll take a while to run this when you try it out for the first time.
google_news_vectors = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300')
print("Size of vocabulary: ", len(google_news_vectors))
Size of vocabulary: 3000000
above has 300 dimensional word vectors for 3,000,000 unique words/phrases from Google news.
What can we do with these word vectors?
Let’s examine word vector for the word UBC.
google_news_vectors["UBC"][:20] # Representation of the word UBC
array([-0.3828125 , -0.18066406, 0.10644531, 0.4296875 , 0.21582031,
-0.10693359, 0.13476562, -0.08740234, -0.14648438, -0.09619141,
0.02807617, 0.01409912, -0.12890625, -0.21972656, -0.41210938,
-0.1875 , -0.11914062, -0.22851562, 0.19433594, -0.08642578],
It’s a short and a dense (we do not see any zeros) vector!
Finding similar words
Given word \(w\), search in the vector space for the word closest to \(w\) as measured by cosine similarity.
[('UVic', 0.788647472858429),
('SFU', 0.7588527798652649),
('Simon_Fraser', 0.7356575131416321),
('UFV', 0.688043475151062),
('VIU', 0.6778583526611328),
('Kwantlen', 0.6771429181098938),
('UBCO', 0.6734487414360046),
('UPEI', 0.6731126308441162),
('UBC_Okanagan', 0.6709133982658386),
('Lakehead_University', 0.6622507572174072)]
[('info', 0.7363681793212891),
('infomation', 0.6800296306610107),
('infor_mation', 0.6733849048614502),
('informaiton', 0.6639009118080139),
('informa_tion', 0.6601256728172302),
('informationon', 0.633933424949646),
('informationabout', 0.6320979595184326),
('Information', 0.6186580061912537),
('informaion', 0.6093292236328125),
('details', 0.6063088774681091)]
If you want to extract all documents containing words similar to information, you could use this information.
Google News embeddings also support multi-word phrases.
[('alberta', 0.6111123561859131),
('canadian', 0.6086405515670776),
('ontario', 0.6031432151794434),
('erik', 0.5993570685386658),
('dominican_republic', 0.5925410985946655),
('costco', 0.5824530720710754),
('rhode_island', 0.5804311633110046),
('dreampharmaceuticals', 0.5755444169044495),
('canada', 0.5630921721458435),
('austin', 0.5623062252998352)]
Finding similarity scores between words
google_news_vectors.similarity("Canada", "hockey")
google_news_vectors.similarity("Japan", "hockey")
word_pairs = [
("height", "tall"),
("height", "official"),
("pineapple", "mango"),
("pineapple", "juice"),
("sun", "robot"),
("GPU", "hummus"),
for pair in word_pairs:
"The similarity between %s and %s is %0.3f"
% (pair[0], pair[1], google_news_vectors.similarity(pair[0], pair[1]))
The similarity between height and tall is 0.473
The similarity between height and official is 0.002
The similarity between pineapple and mango is 0.668
The similarity between pineapple and juice is 0.418
The similarity between sun and robot is 0.029
The similarity between GPU and hummus is 0.094
We are getting reasonable word similarity scores!!
Success of word2vec
This analogy example often comes up when people talk about word2vec, which was used by the authors of this method.
What is the word that is similar to WOMAN in the same sense as KING is similar to MAN?
Perform a simple algebraic operations with the vector representation of words. \(\vec{X} = \vec{\text{KING}} − \vec{\text{MAN}} + \vec{\text{WOMAN}}\)
Search in the vector space for the word closest to \(\vec{X}\) measured by cosine distance.

(Credit: Mikolov et al. 2013)
def analogy(word1, word2, word3, model=google_news_vectors):
Returns analogy word using the given model.
word1 : (str)
word1 in the analogy relation
word2 : (str)
word2 in the analogy relation
word3 : (str)
word3 in the analogy relation
model :
word embedding model
print("%s : %s :: %s : ?" % (word1, word2, word3))
sim_words = model.most_similar(positive=[word3, word2], negative=[word1])
return pd.DataFrame(sim_words, columns=["Analogy word", "Score"])
analogy("man", "king", "woman")
man : king :: woman : ?
Analogy word | Score | |
0 | queen | 0.711819 |
1 | monarch | 0.618967 |
2 | princess | 0.590243 |
3 | crown_prince | 0.549946 |
4 | prince | 0.537732 |
5 | kings | 0.523684 |
6 | Queen_Consort | 0.523595 |
7 | queens | 0.518113 |
8 | sultan | 0.509859 |
9 | monarchy | 0.508741 |
analogy("Montreal", "Canadiens", "Vancouver")
Montreal : Canadiens :: Vancouver : ?
Analogy word | Score | |
0 | Canucks | 0.821327 |
1 | Vancouver_Canucks | 0.750401 |
2 | Calgary_Flames | 0.705470 |
3 | Leafs | 0.695783 |
4 | Maple_Leafs | 0.691617 |
5 | Thrashers | 0.687504 |
6 | Avs | 0.681716 |
7 | Sabres | 0.665307 |
8 | Blackhawks | 0.664625 |
9 | Habs | 0.661023 |
analogy("Toronto", "UofT", "Vancouver")
Toronto : UofT :: Vancouver : ?
Analogy word | Score | |
0 | SFU | 0.579245 |
1 | UVic | 0.576921 |
2 | UBC | 0.571431 |
3 | Simon_Fraser | 0.543464 |
4 | Langara_College | 0.541347 |
5 | UVIC | 0.520495 |
6 | Grant_MacEwan | 0.517273 |
7 | UFV | 0.514150 |
8 | Ubyssey | 0.510421 |
9 | Kwantlen | 0.503807 |
analogy("Gauss", "mathematician", "Bob_Dylan")
Gauss : mathematician :: Bob_Dylan : ?
Analogy word | Score | |
0 | singer_songwriter_Bob_Dylan | 0.520782 |
1 | poet | 0.501191 |
2 | Pete_Seeger | 0.497143 |
3 | Joan_Baez | 0.492307 |
4 | sitarist_Ravi_Shankar | 0.491968 |
5 | bluesman | 0.490930 |
6 | jazz_musician | 0.489593 |
7 | Joni_Mitchell | 0.487740 |
8 | Billie_Holiday | 0.486664 |
9 | Johnny_Cash | 0.485722 |
analogy("USA", "pizza", "India") # Just for fun
USA : pizza :: India : ?
Analogy word | Score | |
0 | vada_pav | 0.554463 |
1 | jalebi | 0.547090 |
2 | idlis | 0.540039 |
3 | pav_bhaji | 0.526046 |
4 | dosas | 0.521772 |
5 | samosa | 0.520700 |
6 | idli | 0.516858 |
7 | pizzas | 0.516199 |
8 | tiffin | 0.514347 |
9 | chaat | 0.508534 |
So you can imagine these models being useful in many meaning-related tasks.
(Credit: Mikolov et al. 2013)
Examples of semantic and syntactic relationships

(Credit: Mikolov 2013)
Implicit biases and stereotypes in word embeddings
analogy("man", "computer_programmer", "woman")
man : computer_programmer :: woman : ?
Analogy word | Score | |
0 | homemaker | 0.562712 |
1 | housewife | 0.510505 |
2 | graphic_designer | 0.505180 |
3 | schoolteacher | 0.497949 |
4 | businesswoman | 0.493489 |
5 | paralegal | 0.492551 |
6 | registered_nurse | 0.490797 |
7 | saleswoman | 0.488163 |
8 | electrical_engineer | 0.479773 |
9 | mechanical_engineer | 0.475540 |
Embeddings reflect gender stereotypes present in broader society.
They may also amplify these stereotypes because of their widespread usage.
See the paper Man is to Computer Programmer as Woman is to ….
Most of the modern embeddings are de-biased for some obvious biases.
Other popular methods to get embeddings
NLP library by Facebook research
Includes an algorithm which is an extension to word2vec
Helps deal with unknown words elegantly
Breaks words into several n-gram subwords
Example: trigram sub-words for berry are ber, err, rry
Embedding(berry) = embedding(ber) + embedding(err) + embedding(rry)
(Optional) GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
Starts with the co-occurrence matrix
Co-occurrence can be interpreted as an indicator of semantic proximity of words
Takes advantage of global count statistics
Predicts co-occurrence ratios
Loss based on word frequency
Word vectors with spaCy#
spaCy is a popular NLP library.
spaCy gives you access to word vectors with bigger models:
’s pre-trained embeddings are trained on OntoNotes corpus.This corpus has a collection of different styles of texts such as telephone conversations, newswire, newsgroups, broadcast news, broadcast conversation, weblogs, religious texts.
Let’s try it out.
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
doc = nlp("pineapple") # extract all interesting information about the document
array([ 0.65486 , -2.2584 , 0.062793, 1.8801 , 0.207 , -3.3299 ,
-0.96833 , 1.5131 , -3.7041 , -0.077749], dtype=float32)
Representing documents using word embeddings
Assuming that we have reasonable representations of words.
How do we represent meaning of paragraphs or documents?
Two simple approaches
Averaging embeddings
Concatenating embeddings
Averaging embeddings
All empty promises
\((embedding(all) + embedding(empty) + embedding(promise))/3\)
Average embeddings with spaCy
We can do this conveniently with spaCy.
We need
model to access word vectors.You can download the model by going to command line and in your course
environment and downloaden_core_web_md
as follows.
conda activate cpsc330
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
We can access word vectors for individual words in spaCy
as follows.
We can get average embeddings for a sentence or a document in spaCy
as follows:
s = "All empty promises"
doc = nlp(s)
avg_sent_emb = doc.vector
print("Vector for: {}\n{}".format((s), (avg_sent_emb[0:10])))
Vector for: All empty promises
[-0.459937 1.9785299 1.0319 1.5123 1.4806334 2.73183
1.204 1.1724668 -3.5227966 -0.05656664]
Check out Appendix_B to see an example of using these embeddings for text classification. That said, compared to these, the sentence transformers you used in your clustering homework provide better representations for sentences.
Break (5 min)#
Topic modeling#
Why topic modeling?
Topic modeling introduction activity (~5 mins)
Consider the following documents.
toy_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + "toy_clustering.csv")
text | |
0 | famous fashion model |
1 | elegant fashion model |
2 | fashion model at famous probabilistic topic mo... |
3 | fresh elegant fashion model |
4 | famous elegant fashion model |
5 | probabilistic conference |
6 | creative probabilistic model |
7 | model diet apple kiwi nutrition |
8 | probabilistic model |
9 | kiwi health nutrition |
10 | fresh apple kiwi health diet |
11 | health nutrition |
12 | fresh apple kiwi juice nutrition |
13 | probabilistic topic model conference |
14 | probabilistic topi model |
Discuss the following questions with your neighbour
Suppose you are asked to cluster these documents manually. How many clusters would you identify?
What are the prominent words in each cluster?
Are there documents which are a mixture of multiple clusters?
Topic modeling motivation#
Humans are pretty good at reading and understanding a document and answering questions such as
What is it about?
Which documents is it related to?
What if you’re given a large collection of documents on a variety of topics.
A corpus of news articles
Example: A corpus of food magazines
A corpus of scientific articles
(Credit: Dave Blei’s presentation)
It would take years to read all documents and organize and categorize them so that they are easy to search.
You need an automated way
to get an idea of what’s going on in the data or
to pull documents related to a certain topic
Topic modeling gives you an ability to summarize the major themes in a large collection of documents (corpus).
Example: The major themes in a collection of news articles could be
Topic modeling is a great EDA tool to get a sense of what’s going on in a large corpus.
Some examples
If you want to pull documents related to a particular lawsuit.
You want to examine people’s sentiment towards a particular candidate and/or political party and so you want to pull tweets or Facebook posts related to election.
How do you do topic modeling?
A common tool to solve such problems is unsupervised ML methods.
Given the hyperparameter \(K\), the goal of topic modeling is to describe a set of documents using \(K\) “topics”.
In unsupervised setting, the input of topic modeling is
A large collection of documents
A value for the hyperparameter \(K\) (e.g., \(K = 3\))
and the output is
Topic-words association
For each topic, what words describe that topic?
Document-topics association
For each document, what topics are expressed by the document?
Topic modeling: Example
Topic-words association
For each topic, what words describe that topic?
A topic is a mixture of words.
Topic modeling: Example
Document-topics association
For each document, what topics are expressed by the document?
A document is a mixture of topics.
Topic modeling: Input and output
A large collection of documents
A value for the hyperparameter \(K\) (e.g., \(K = 3\))
For each topic, what words describe that topic?
For each document, what topics are expressed by the document?
Topic modeling: Some applications
Topic modeling is a great EDA tool to get a sense of what’s going on in a large corpus.
Some examples
If you want to pull documents related to a particular lawsuit.
You want to examine people’s sentiment towards a particular candidate and/or political party and so you want to pull tweets or Facebook posts related to election.
Topic modeling examples
Topic modeling: Input
Credit: David Blei’s presentation
Topic modeling: output
(Credit: David Blei’s presentation)
Topic modeling: output with interpretation
Assigning labels is a human thing.
(Credit: David Blei’s presentation)
LDA topics in Yale Law Journal
(Credit: David Blei’s paper)
Topic modeling toy example#
Let’s work with a toy example.
toy_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + "toy_lda_data.csv")
doc_id | text | |
0 | 1 | famous fashion model |
1 | 2 | fashion model pattern |
2 | 3 | fashion model probabilistic topic model confer... |
3 | 4 | famous fashion model |
4 | 5 | fresh fashion model |
5 | 6 | famous fashion model |
6 | 7 | famous fashion model |
7 | 8 | famous fashion model |
8 | 9 | famous fashion model |
9 | 10 | creative fashion model |
10 | 11 | famous fashion model |
11 | 12 | famous fashion model |
12 | 13 | fashion model probabilistic topic model confer... |
13 | 14 | probabilistic topic model |
14 | 15 | probabilistic model pattern |
15 | 16 | probabilistic topic model |
16 | 17 | probabilistic topic model |
17 | 18 | probabilistic topic model |
18 | 19 | probabilistic topic model |
19 | 20 | probabilistic topic model |
20 | 21 | probabilistic topic model |
21 | 22 | fashion model probabilistic topic model confer... |
22 | 23 | apple kiwi nutrition |
23 | 24 | kiwi health nutrition |
24 | 25 | fresh apple health |
25 | 26 | probabilistic topic model |
26 | 27 | creative health nutrition |
27 | 28 | probabilistic topic model |
28 | 29 | probabilistic topic model |
29 | 30 | hidden markov model probabilistic |
30 | 31 | probabilistic topic model |
31 | 32 | probabilistic topic model |
32 | 33 | apple kiwi nutrition |
33 | 34 | apple kiwi health |
34 | 35 | apple kiwi nutrition |
35 | 36 | fresh kiwi health |
36 | 37 | apple kiwi nutrition |
37 | 38 | apple kiwi nutrition |
38 | 39 | apple kiwi nutrition |
Input to the LDA topic model is bag-of-words representation of text.
Let’s create bag-of-words representation of “text” column.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
vec = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english")
toy_X = vec.fit_transform(toy_df["text"])
<39x15 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
with 124 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
vocab = vec.get_feature_names_out() # vocabulary
array(['apple', 'conference', 'creative', 'famous', 'fashion', 'fresh',
'health', 'hidden', 'kiwi', 'markov', 'model', 'nutrition',
'pattern', 'probabilistic', 'topic'], dtype=object)
Let’s try to create a topic model with sklearn’s LatentDirichletAllocation
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
n_topics = 3 # number of topics
lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(
n_components=n_topics, learning_method="batch", max_iter=10, random_state=0
document_topics = lda.transform(toy_X)
Once we have a fitted model we can get the word-topic association and document-topic association
Word-topic association
gives us the weights associated with each word for each topic. In other words, it tells us which word is important for which topic.
Document-topic association
Calling transform on the data gives us document-topic association.
array([[ 0.33380754, 3.31038074, 0.33476534, 0.33397112, 0.36695134,
0.33439238, 0.33381373, 0.35771821, 0.33380649, 0.35771821,
17.78521263, 0.33380761, 0.3573886 , 17.31634363, 15.32791718],
[ 8.33224516, 0.33400489, 2.2173627 , 0.33411086, 0.33732465,
3.28753559, 5.33223002, 0.33435326, 9.33224759, 0.33435326,
0.33797555, 8.3322447 , 0.33462759, 0.33440682, 0.33425967],
[ 0.3339473 , 0.35561437, 0.44787197, 8.33191802, 14.29572402,
0.37807203, 0.33395626, 1.30792853, 0.33394593, 1.30792853,
13.87681182, 0.33394769, 2.30798381, 0.34924955, 0.33782315]])
print("lda.components_.shape: {}".format(lda.components_.shape))
lda.components_.shape: (3, 15)
import plotly.express as px
plot_lda_w_vectors(lda.components_, ['topic 0', 'topic 1', 'topic 2'], vocab, width=800, height=600)
Let’s look at the words with highest weights for each topic more systematically.
np.argsort(lda.components_, axis=1)
array([[ 8, 0, 11, 6, 3, 5, 2, 12, 7, 9, 4, 1, 14, 13, 10],
[ 1, 3, 14, 7, 9, 13, 12, 4, 10, 2, 5, 6, 11, 0, 8],
[ 8, 0, 11, 6, 14, 13, 1, 5, 2, 9, 7, 12, 3, 10, 4]])
sorting = np.argsort(lda.components_, axis=1)[:, ::-1]
feature_names = np.array(vec.get_feature_names_out())
import mglearn
topic 0 topic 1 topic 2
-------- -------- --------
model kiwi fashion
probabilistic apple model
topic nutrition famous
conference health pattern
fashion fresh hidden
markov creative markov
hidden model creative
pattern fashion fresh
creative pattern conference
fresh probabilistic probabilistic
Here is how we can interpret the topics
Topic 0 \(\rightarrow\) ML modeling
Topic 1 \(\rightarrow\) fruit and nutrition
Topic 2 \(\rightarrow\) fashion
Let’s look at distribution of topics for a document
'famous fashion model'
array([0.08791477, 0.08338644, 0.82869879])
This document is made up of
~83% topic 2
~9% topic 0
~8% topic 1.
Topic modeling pipeline#
Above we worked with toy data. In the real world, we usually need to preprocess the data before passing it to LDA.
Here are typical steps if you want to carry out topic modeling on real-world data.
Preprocess your corpus.
Train LDA.
Interpret your topics.
import wikipedia
queries = [
"Artificial Intelligence",
"unsupervised learning",
"Supreme Court of Canada",
"Peace, Order, and Good Government",
"Canadian constitutional law",
"ice hockey",
wiki_dict = {"wiki query": [], "text": []}
for i in range(len(queries)):
wiki_dict["wiki query"].append(queries[i])
wiki_df = pd.DataFrame(wiki_dict)
wiki query | text | |
0 | Artificial Intelligence | Artificial intelligence (AI), in its broadest ... |
1 | unsupervised learning | Supervised learning (SL) is a paradigm in mach... |
2 | Supreme Court of Canada | The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC; French: Cour... |
3 | Peace, Order, and Good Government | In many Commonwealth jurisdictions, the phrase... |
4 | Canadian constitutional law | Canadian constitutional law (French: droit con... |
5 | ice hockey | Ice hockey (or simply hockey in North America)... |
Preprocessing the corpus
Preprocessing is crucial!
Tokenization, converting text to lower case
Removing punctuation and stopwords
Discarding words with length < threshold or word frequency < threshold
Possibly lemmatization: Consider the lemmas instead of inflected forms.
Depending upon your application, restrict to specific part of speech;
For example, only consider nouns, verbs, and adjectives
We’ll use spaCy
for preprocessing. Check out available token attributes here.
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md", disable=["parser", "ner"])
def preprocess(
irrelevant_pos=["ADV", "PRON", "CCONJ", "PUNCT", "PART", "DET", "ADP", "SPACE"],
Given text, min_token_len, and irrelevant_pos carry out preprocessing of the text
and return a preprocessed string.
doc : (spaCy doc object)
the spacy doc object of the text
min_token_len : (int)
min_token_length required
irrelevant_pos : (list)
a list of irrelevant pos tags
(str) the preprocessed text
clean_text = []
for token in doc:
if (
token.is_stop == False # Check if it's not a stopword
and len(token) > min_token_len # Check if the word meets minimum threshold
and token.pos_ not in irrelevant_pos
): # Check if the POS is in the acceptable POS tags
lemma = token.lemma_ # Take the lemma of the word
return " ".join(clean_text)
wiki_df["text_pp"] = [preprocess(text) for text in nlp.pipe(wiki_df["text"])]
wiki query | text | text_pp | |
0 | Artificial Intelligence | Artificial intelligence (AI), in its broadest ... | artificial intelligence broad sense intelligen... |
1 | unsupervised learning | Supervised learning (SL) is a paradigm in mach... | supervised learning paradigm machine learning ... |
2 | Supreme Court of Canada | The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC; French: Cour... | supreme court canada scc french cour suprême c... |
3 | Peace, Order, and Good Government | In many Commonwealth jurisdictions, the phrase... | commonwealth jurisdiction phrase peace order g... |
4 | Canadian constitutional law | Canadian constitutional law (French: droit con... | canadian constitutional law french droit const... |
5 | ice hockey | Ice hockey (or simply hockey in North America)... | ice hockey hockey north america team sport pla... |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
vec = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
X = vec.fit_transform(wiki_df["text_pp"])
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation
n_topics = 3
lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(
n_components=n_topics, learning_method="batch", max_iter=10, random_state=0
document_topics = lda.fit_transform(X)
print("lda.components_.shape: {}".format(lda.components_.shape))
lda.components_.shape: (3, 4011)
sorting = np.argsort(lda.components_, axis=1)[:, ::-1]
feature_names = np.array(vec.get_feature_names_out())
import mglearn
topic 0 topic 1 topic 2
-------- -------- --------
intelligence court hockey
problem law player
machine provincial ice
artificial displaystyle team
human government league
datum power play
learning federal game
use canada puck
include case penalty
network justice nhl
Check out some recent topic modeling tools
Basic text preprocessing [video]#
Why do we need preprocessing?
Text data is unstructured and messy.
We need to “normalize” it before we do anything interesting with it.
Lemma: Same stem, same part-of-speech, roughly the same meaning
Vancouver’s → Vancouver
computers → computer
rising → rise, rose, rises
Sentence segmentation
Split text into sentences
Word tokenization
Split sentences into words
Sentence segmentation
MDS is a Master's program at UBC in British Columbia. MDS teaching team is truly multicultural!! Dr. George did his Ph.D. in Scotland. Dr. Timbers, Dr. Ostblom, Dr. Rodríguez-Arelis, and Dr. Kolhatkar did theirs in Canada. Dr. Gelbart did his PhD in the U.S.
How many sentences are there in this text?
### Let's do sentence segmentation on "."
text = (
"UBC is one of the well known universities in British Columbia. "
"UBC CS teaching team is truly multicultural!! "
"Dr. Toti completed her Ph.D. in Italy."
"Dr. Moosvi, Dr. Kolhatkar, and Dr. Ola completed theirs in Canada."
"Dr. Heeren and Dr. Lécuyer completed theirs in the U.S."
['UBC is one of the well known universities in British Columbia', ' UBC CS teaching team is truly multicultural!! Dr', ' Toti completed her Ph', 'D', ' in Italy', 'Dr', ' Moosvi, Dr', ' Kolhatkar, and Dr', ' Ola completed theirs in Canada', 'Dr', ' Heeren and Dr', ' Lécuyer completed theirs in the U', 'S', '']
In English, period (.) is quite ambiguous. (In Chinese, it is unambiguous.)
Abbreviations like Dr., U.S., Inc.
Numbers like 60.44%, 0.98
! and ? are relatively ambiguous.
How about writing regular expressions?
A common way is using off-the-shelf models for sentence segmentation.
### Let's try to do sentence segmentation using nltk
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
sent_tokenized = sent_tokenize(text)
['UBC is one of the well known universities in British Columbia.', 'UBC CS teaching team is truly multicultural!!', 'Dr. Toti completed her Ph.D. in Italy.Dr.', 'Moosvi, Dr. Kolhatkar, and Dr. Ola completed theirs in Canada.Dr.', 'Heeren and Dr. Lécuyer completed theirs in the U.S.']
Word tokenization
MDS is a Master's program at UBC in British Columbia.
How many words are there in this sentence?
Is whitespace a sufficient condition for a word boundary?
MDS is a Master's program at UBC in British Columbia.
What’s our definition of a word?
Should British Columbia be one word or two words?
Should punctuation be considered a separate word?
What about the punctuations in
?What do we do with words like
This process of identifying word boundaries is referred to as tokenization.
You can use regex but better to do it with off-the-shelf ML models.
### Let's do word segmentation on white spaces
print("Splitting on whitespace: ", [sent.split() for sent in sent_tokenized])
### Let's try to do word segmentation using nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
word_tokenized = [word_tokenize(sent) for sent in sent_tokenized]
# This is similar to the input format of word2vec algorithm
print("\n\n\nTokenized: ", word_tokenized)
Splitting on whitespace: [['UBC', 'is', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'well', 'known', 'universities', 'in', 'British', 'Columbia.'], ['UBC', 'CS', 'teaching', 'team', 'is', 'truly', 'multicultural!!'], ['Dr.', 'Toti', 'completed', 'her', 'Ph.D.', 'in', 'Italy.Dr.'], ['Moosvi,', 'Dr.', 'Kolhatkar,', 'and', 'Dr.', 'Ola', 'completed', 'theirs', 'in', 'Canada.Dr.'], ['Heeren', 'and', 'Dr.', 'Lécuyer', 'completed', 'theirs', 'in', 'the', 'U.S.']]
Tokenized: [['UBC', 'is', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'well', 'known', 'universities', 'in', 'British', 'Columbia', '.'], ['UBC', 'CS', 'teaching', 'team', 'is', 'truly', 'multicultural', '!', '!'], ['Dr.', 'Toti', 'completed', 'her', 'Ph.D.', 'in', 'Italy.Dr', '.'], ['Moosvi', ',', 'Dr.', 'Kolhatkar', ',', 'and', 'Dr.', 'Ola', 'completed', 'theirs', 'in', 'Canada.Dr', '.'], ['Heeren', 'and', 'Dr.', 'Lécuyer', 'completed', 'theirs', 'in', 'the', 'U.S', '.']]
Word segmentation
For some languages you need much more sophisticated tokenizers.
For languages such as Chinese, there are no spaces between words.
jieba is a popular tokenizer for Chinese.
German doesn’t separate compound words.
Example: rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
(the law for the delegation of monitoring beef labeling)
Types and tokens
Usually in NLP, we talk about
Type an element in the vocabulary
Token an instance of that type in running text
Exercise for you
UBC is located in the beautiful province of British Columbia. It's very close to the U.S. border. You'll get to the USA border in about 45 mins by car.
Consider the example above.
How many types? (task dependent)
How many tokens?
Other commonly used preprocessing steps#
Punctuation and stopword removal
Stemming and lemmatization
Punctuation and stopword removal
The most frequently occurring words in English are not very useful in many NLP tasks.
Example: the , is , a , and punctuation
Probably not very informative in many tasks
# Let's use `nltk.stopwords`.
# Add punctuations to the list.
stop_words = list(set(stopwords.words("english")))
import string
punctuation = string.punctuation
stop_words += list(punctuation)
# stop_words.extend(['``','`','br','"',"”", "''", "'s"])
['or', 'any', 'same', "wouldn't", "she's", 'having', 'doesn', "isn't", 'there', 'few', 'has', 'in', 'hers', 's', 'and', 'ours', "hasn't", 'off', 'our', 'him', "couldn't", "you'll", 'while', 'out', 'just', 'through', 'isn', 'for', 'a', 'were', 'be', 'are', 'will', "won't", 'you', "needn't", 'the', 'it', 'own', 'above', "wasn't", 'against', 'that', "should've", 'himself', 'very', "didn't", 'which', 'theirs', 'each', 'yourself', 'we', "don't", 'ourselves', 'an', 'her', 'so', 'with', 'couldn', 'who', 'before', 'haven', 'until', 'under', 'once', 'does', 'down', 'needn', 'll', 'to', 'further', 'about', 'myself', 'weren', 'during', 'he', 'should', 'mightn', 'had', "doesn't", 'over', 'whom', 'its', "weren't", 'of', 'such', 'as', 'below', "you're", 'been', "haven't", 'only', 'y', 'if', 'hasn', 'not', 'd', 'between', 'am', 'do', 'themselves', "it's", 'ma', 'this', 'where', 'other', "hadn't", 'nor', 'now', 'she', 'from', 'is', 'here', 'why', 'yourselves', 'wouldn', 'itself', 'didn', 'up', 'me', 'what', 'again', 't', "shan't", 'at', 'shan', 'wasn', 'then', 'herself', 'have', 'm', 'than', 'shouldn', 're', 'into', 'can', "mightn't", 'too', 'won', 'i', 'they', "that'll", "aren't", 'on', 'how', 'aren', "mustn't", 'o', 'hadn', "you'd", 'more', 'both', 'because', 'some', 'when', 'did', 'those', 'no', 'mustn', 'them', 'my', 'ain', "shouldn't", 'being', 'doing', 'by', 'was', 'your', 'their', "you've", 'yours', 'after', 'his', 'most', 'but', 'don', 'all', 'these', 've', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', "'", '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', '{', '|', '}', '~']
### Get rid of stop words
preprocessed = []
for sent in word_tokenized:
for token in sent:
token = token.lower()
if token not in stop_words:
['ubc', 'one', 'well', 'known', 'universities', 'british', 'columbia', 'ubc', 'cs', 'teaching', 'team', 'truly', 'multicultural', 'dr.', 'toti', 'completed', 'ph.d.', 'italy.dr', 'moosvi', 'dr.', 'kolhatkar', 'dr.', 'ola', 'completed', 'canada.dr', 'heeren', 'dr.', 'lécuyer', 'completed', 'u.s']
For many NLP tasks (e.g., web search) we want to ignore morphological differences between words
Example: If your search term is “studying for ML quiz” you might want to include pages containing “tips to study for an ML quiz” or “here is how I studied for my ML quiz”
Lemmatization converts inflected forms into the base form.
import nltk
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to /Users/kvarada/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package wordnet is already up-to-date!
[nltk_data] Downloading package omw-1.4 to /Users/kvarada/nltk_data...
[nltk_data] Package omw-1.4 is already up-to-date!
# nltk has a lemmatizer
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
print("Lemma of studying: ", lemmatizer.lemmatize("studying", "v"))
print("Lemma of studied: ", lemmatizer.lemmatize("studied", "v"))
Lemma of studying: study
Lemma of studied: study
Has a similar purpose but it is a crude chopping of affixes
automates, automatic, automation all reduced to automat.
Usually these reduced forms (stems) are not actual words themselves.
A popular stemming algorithm for English is PorterStemmer.
Beware that it can be aggressive sometimes.
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
text = (
"UBC is located in the beautiful province of British Columbia... "
"It's very close to the U.S. border."
ps = PorterStemmer()
tokenized = word_tokenize(text)
stemmed = [ps.stem(token) for token in tokenized]
print("Before stemming: ", text)
print("\n\nAfter stemming: ", " ".join(stemmed))
Before stemming: UBC is located in the beautiful province of British Columbia... It's very close to the U.S. border.
After stemming: ubc is locat in the beauti provinc of british columbia ... it 's veri close to the u.s. border .
Other tools for preprocessing#
We used Natural Language Processing Toolkit (nltk) above
Many available tools
Industrial strength NLP library.
Lightweight, fast, and convenient to use.
spaCy does many things that we did above in one line of code!
Also has multi-lingual support.
import spacy
# Load the model
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
text = (
"MDS is a Master's program at UBC in British Columbia. "
"MDS teaching team is truly multicultural!! "
"Dr. George did his Ph.D. in Scotland. "
"Dr. Timbers, Dr. Ostblom, Dr. Rodríguez-Arelis, and Dr. Kolhatkar did theirs in Canada. "
"Dr. Gelbart did his PhD in the U.S."
doc = nlp(text)
# Accessing tokens
tokens = [token for token in doc]
print("\nTokens: ", tokens)
# Accessing lemma
lemmas = [token.lemma_ for token in doc]
print("\nLemmas: ", lemmas)
# Accessing pos
pos = [token.pos_ for token in doc]
print("\nPOS: ", pos)
Tokens: [MDS, is, a, Master, 's, program, at, UBC, in, British, Columbia, ., MDS, teaching, team, is, truly, multicultural, !, !, Dr., George, did, his, Ph.D., in, Scotland, ., Dr., Timbers, ,, Dr., Ostblom, ,, Dr., Rodríguez, -, Arelis, ,, and, Dr., Kolhatkar, did, theirs, in, Canada, ., Dr., Gelbart, did, his, PhD, in, the, U.S.]
Lemmas: ['mds', 'be', 'a', 'Master', "'s", 'program', 'at', 'UBC', 'in', 'British', 'Columbia', '.', 'mds', 'teaching', 'team', 'be', 'truly', 'multicultural', '!', '!', 'Dr.', 'George', 'do', 'his', 'ph.d.', 'in', 'Scotland', '.', 'Dr.', 'Timbers', ',', 'Dr.', 'Ostblom', ',', 'Dr.', 'Rodríguez', '-', 'Arelis', ',', 'and', 'Dr.', 'Kolhatkar', 'do', 'theirs', 'in', 'Canada', '.', 'Dr.', 'Gelbart', 'do', 'his', 'phd', 'in', 'the', 'U.S.']
Other typical NLP tasks#
In order to understand text, we usually are interested in extracting information from text. Some common tasks in NLP pipeline are:
Part of speech tagging
Assigning part-of-speech tags to all words in a sentence.
Named entity recognition
Labelling named “real-world” objects, like persons, companies or locations.
Coreference resolution
Deciding whether two strings (e.g., UBC vs University of British Columbia) refer to the same entity
Dependency parsing
Representing grammatical structure of a sentence
Extracting named-entities using spaCy
from spacy import displacy
doc = nlp(
"University of British Columbia "
"is located in the beautiful "
"province of British Columbia."
displacy.render(doc, style="ent")
# Text and label of named entity span
print("Named entities:\n", [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])
print("\nORG means: ", spacy.explain("ORG"))
print("GPE means: ", spacy.explain("GPE"))
Named entities:
[('University of British Columbia', 'ORG'), ('British Columbia', 'GPE')]
ORG means: Companies, agencies, institutions, etc.
GPE means: Countries, cities, states
Dependency parsing using spaCy
doc = nlp("I like cats")
displacy.render(doc, style="dep")
Many other things possible
spaCy is a powerful tool
You can build your own rule-based searches.
You can also access word vectors using spaCy with bigger models. (Currently we are using
NLP is a big and very active field.
We broadly explored three topics:
Word embeddings using pretrained models
Topic modeling
Basic text preprocessing
Here are some resources if you want to get into NLP.
Check out this CPSC course on NLP.
The first resource I would recommend is the following book by Jurafsky and Martin. It’s very approachable and fun. And the current edition is available online.
There is a course taught at Stanford called “From languages to Information” by one of the co-authors of the above book, and it might be a good introduction to NLP for you. Most of the course material and videos are available for free.
If you are into deep learning, you may refer to this course. Again, all lecture videos are available on youtube.
If you want to look at current advancements in the field, you’ll find all NLP related publications here.