Class Meeting 6B#

There were no slides for today’s lecture.

Version Control with Git#

  • Why git?

  • The GitHub flow.

  • The evolution of version control, aka “why is git so complicated?”

Why Git#

What is Git?#

Image Source: Noble Desktop.

Why is Git so complicated?#

Each feature of Git is designed to solve particular issues that arise when managing versions of potentially large, distributed, and long-term projects, and understanding how to use Git may be made easier if you think about the issue you are trying to solve first.

Ian needs to create a list / table outlining the common issues and which git command / workflow is used to resolve them.

Learn Git Branching#


Useful Git Commands#

Here are some command sequences that might be useful:

  • git status

  • git clone ...

  • git add . or git add -A

  • git commit -m

  • git switch -c 'person1'

  • git switch -c 'person2'

  • git add, git commit, git push